Check order, allocate charges, and complete the transaction

Use the Checkout summary to check your order, allocate charges and complete the transaction.

How to view the checkout summary screen and complete your order

  1. Select Order selected at the bottom of the Product list to go to the Checkout summary screen. 

    screenshot highlighting the Order selected button at bottom of product list panel.
  2. Review the checkout summary and charges to see that they are correct. You can remove items here by clicking on the rubbish bin icon. This will also update the items selected in the list and cart. 

    image of Checkout summary panel, shsowing 5 items being purchased on the left side, and the billing details on the right side. The rubbish bin icon next to one item is highlighted.
  3. Review and update the billing details:
    • Select the Firm for billing using the dropdown arrow, if you have access to multiple firms. Changing the firm here will also update your active firm in Web Search.
    • Enter the Client reference for your internal billing purposes. If you save it here, it will also update in your product list.
    • Update the Email address and Subject line. Emailed orders will be sent to this email address. 
  4. Select the Email or Download buttons to complete the purchase.

    image of checkout summary panel, highlighting the email and download buttons are bottom right of the screen.
  5. Check your email or downloads folder to access the documents.

Extra notes about completing your order 

Re-ordering items on the same day

Once items have been ordered, they are deselected from the list.  

If you order the same item on the same day, with the same client reference you will only be charged once.

For example, if you select the same item again on the same day: 

  • with the same client reference, you will not be charged and the price will be $0.00. 

    screenshot of order selected button. 1 item is selecetd, and the charge is $0.00 as the client reference is the same as the previous order.
  • with a different client reference, you will be charged the standard fee and the price will be updated accordingly.

    screenshot of order selected button. 1 item is selected, and theere is a charge as the client reference is different from the previous order. The total already spent for the day is $0.00 as the client reference hasn't been used until now.

Downloading previous orders

You can re-download orders made within 14 days of the original purchase at no charge.

See View recent orders of property records

Client reference

Take care when entering the client reference. If you misspell or enter it incorrectly, this will make it more difficult for you to manage your fees report.

File size and downloads

Files can be quite large, so it is often easier to have multiple files emailed to you rather than downloading them.

Emailed orders

Orders are normally delivered within a few minutes but can take up to 24 hours. Check your junk or spam folders before contacting Toitū Te Whenua.

Downloading multiple items in 1 purchase

When you purchase more than 1 item, your download will be a zip file.  

Last updated