Why Landonline is important
Landonline holds data about New Zealand’s land and property transactions. It provides the only way to create, buy and sell property in New Zealand, informing the financial systems Kiwis rely on.
Modernising Landonline with our customers
The modernisation of Landonline is an evolving project, with new services and improvements being continuously delivered until it reaches a point where the legacy system can be turned off.
Features are being gradually released in the new application – known as New Landonline – to give users the opportunity to become familiar with them before they are decommissioned in the legacy system. Legacy and New Landonline are fully compatible so users can seamlessly alternate between the two systems.
The first phase of the upgrade will be complete by mid-2025. By that time, we expect all external customers will have migrated to New Landonline.
The upgrade includes working closely with customers to ensure the new application delivers what they need. This helps us anticipate future requirements and continuously improve Landonline. We’re doing this in a sustainable way by building long-term, in-house capability.

Landonline upgrades being discussed with customers.
Legislation, updated processes and modern technology all underpin the upgrade, ensuring the best results are achieved for our customers.
The new, fit-for-purpose and future-proofed platform is due to be completed in 2026 and will cost about $175 million – to be repaid through user fees over 10 years.
Date | Activity |
2025 onwards | What’s next
2024 | In progress
2023 | Upgraded services delivered
2022 | Upgraded services delivered
2021 | Upgraded services delivered
Landonline stats
Landonline is accessed daily by an average of 5,000 users.
Annual activity for 2022/23 (approximately):
- 15,000 registered users
- 2.4 million property titles
- 2.9 million property searches
- 281,000 property titles issued/re-issued
- 500,000 property transactions.
Who uses Landonline and why?
When you buy, sell, or alter property, you want to be certain about details such as location, size, boundaries – and that you’re buying from the current owner.
You might be buying a property or be a small business owner using your house or other property to finance your business.
In New Zealand, this information is recorded in the ‘title’ for each property and kept by us in Landonline. To use Landonline, customers need to be registered users.
Our customers include:
- surveyors – supplying data for the land they’ve surveyed
- solicitors and conveyancing professionals – acting on behalf of New Zealanders buying, selling or changing property details
- banks – assigning mortgages against property titles
- councils – issuing certificates or consents and for rating purposes
- real estate agents – sourcing title information for properties they’re selling
- the public – ordering property titles online via Land Record Search
- our staff – monitoring information and processing survey plan lodgements and title dealings that need manual processing.
By modernising Landonline, we are:
- Enabling log-ins from any device, anywhere
- Simplifying processes and making them more efficient
- Creating a more secure and robust system
- Increasing automation
- Connecting the work surveyors and solicitors do when sub-dividing land
- Making it easier to comply with rules and get approvals from us
- Simplifying and improving survey spatial views
- Creating a system that can quickly and easily respond to changing customer needs, future technology trends and changes in law.
Public access to property information
Members of the public in New Zealand and Australia can search for titles to New Zealand properties through our Land Record Search service.
Contact us
For more information, email engagement@linz.govt.nz