Website Phone: 027 435 0818 Region: Otago Address: 18 Marquis Street Opoho Dunedin 9010 New Zealand Nominated persons: David Abercrombie
Website Phone: 09 361 6447 Region: Auckland Address: Level 4 5 Short Street, Newmarket Auckland New Zealand Nominated persons: Adam Vodanovich, Grant Sextone, Rochelle Killey
Website Phone: 03 982 5040 Region: Canterbury Address: c/o Qb Studios 8/248 St Asaph Street Christchurch 8011 New Zealand Nominated persons: Robin Shatford , Chris Cochrane, Annette Stocker
Website Phone: 07 834 1505 Region: Waikato Address: c/o Vine Co-Working Level 1, 28 Liverpool Street Hamilton New Zealand Nominated persons: Peter Gore
Website Phone: 04 576 9644 Region: Wellington Nominated persons: Clare Collett, Derek Gadsby, Lawson Price, Nick de Montalk, Peter Brooks, Steve Lamontagne
Website Email: Phone: 03 442 7133 Region: Nationwide Address: 1st Floor, 50 Stanley Street Queenstown 9300 New Zealand Nominated persons: Jeff Reidy, Daniel Cruickshank, Sarah Mitchell, Hong Mei Pang
Phone: 04 235 6678 Region: Wellington Address: PO Box 5133 Lambton Quay Wellington New Zealand Nominated persons: Bob Austin
Phone: 09 309 6020 Region: Auckland Address: Bayleys House 30 Gaunt Street Auckland 1010 New Zealand Nominated persons: David Bayley
Website Email: Phone: +64 9 916 8800 Region: Auckland Address: Level 21 Vero Centre 48 Shortland Street Auckland 1010 New Zealand Nominated persons: Karl Anderson, Tim Fitzgerald
Phone: 09 358 2555 Region: Auckland Address: Pricewaterhouse Coopers Tower 188 Quay Street Auckland 1010 New Zealand Nominated persons: Mel Easton
Phone: 04 499 4242 Region: Wellington Address: State Insurance Tower, BNZ Centre 1 Willis Street Wellington New Zealand Nominated persons: Stephen Whittington
Phone: 03 389 9637 Region: Canterbury Address: 14 Richardson Terrace Christchurch New Zealand Nominated persons: Christopher Mouat
Phone: 09 524 7029 Region: Auckland Address: 8 Manukau Road Newmarket Auckland New Zealand Nominated persons: Peter Burrows
Phone: 03 442 0990 Region: Otago Address: 309 Lower Shotover Road Queenstown 9300 New Zealand Nominated persons: Paul Cook
Phone: 04 471 8899 Region: Wellington Address: Level 8 36 Customhouse Quay Wellington 6140 New Zealand Nominated persons: Naomi Bray
Phone: 03 379 9787 Region: Canterbury Address: Level 1, 62 Riccarton Road Riccarton Christchurch 8011 New Zealand Nominated persons: Murray Bradley, Denis Ferguson
Phone: (04) 472 3529 Region: Wellington Address: 10th Floor, 1 Willis St Wellington New Zealand Nominated persons: Lawson Price
Phone: 03 477 7363 Region: Otago Address: 5 Strathmore Crescent Rosalyn Dunedin 9010 New Zealand Nominated persons: Donald Hatfield
Phone: 070 857-0900 Region: Waikato Address: Waikato Innovation Park Ruakura Rd Hamilton 3216 New Zealand Nominated persons: Mylene Rakena, Michael Grayson
Phone: 07 846 2424 Region: Waikato Address: 55/1 Lake Road Hamilton New Zealand Nominated persons: John Neal
Phone: 09 366 1666 Region: Auckland Address: Level 16 Pricewaterhouse Coopers Tower 188 Quay Street Auckland 1140 New Zealand
Phone: 09 582 0815 Region: Auckland Address: Burrett Business Park Unit 10 Burrett Avenue Penrose Auckland 1061 New Zealand Nominated persons: Paul Cassin, Mark McKinley
Phone: 03 216 5965 Region: Southland Address: 30 View Street Heidelberg Invercargill 9812 New Zealand Nominated persons: Tony McGowan, Milton Smith
Phone: 03 349 2970 Region: Canterbury Address: 30 McTeigue Road Christchurch 8025 New Zealand Nominated persons: Peter King
Phone: 04 586 1901 Region: Wellington Address: 37 Tui Street Lower Hutt New Zealand Nominated persons: Lawson Price
Phone: 07 838 1067 Region: Waikato Address: 550 Anglesea Street Hamilton New Zealand Nominated persons: Graham Cullen
Phone: 03 327 4396 Region: Canterbury Address: 6 Cumberland Place Kaiapoi Christchurch New Zealand Nominated persons: Don McGregor, Don McGregor
Phone: 03 377 2900 Region: Canterbury Address: Level 2 299 Durham Street North Christchurch 8013 New Zealand Nominated persons: Tony Herring, Simon Mortlock
Phone: 06 844 6903 Region: Hawke's Bay Address: 10 Moorhouse Street Taradale Napier 4112 New Zealand Nominated persons: Melanie Wilson, Ian Bates
Phone: 06 759 4689 Region: Taranaki Address: 73 Dawson Street New Plymouth 4310 New Zealand Nominated persons: Pat Sole
Website Phone: 03 477 5333 Region: Otago Address: Level 4, Queens Building 109 Princes Street Dunedin 9016 New Zealand Nominated persons: Shane Waldron
Website Phone: 09 444 6363 Region: Auckland Address: PO Box 300272 North Shore City Auckland 0752 New Zealand Nominated persons: Peter Port
Website Phone: 04 891 9024 Region: Wellington Address: Level 5, IBM Building, 25 Victoria Street Petone 5012 Wellington 5012 New Zealand Nominated persons: Neil Carr
Phone: 04 473 6850 Region: Wellington Address: Level 19 113-119 The Terrace Wellington 6011 New Zealand Nominated persons: Peter Johnston
Phone: 029 249 5908 Region: Wellington Address: Otaki Railway PO Box 15-168 Otaki New Zealand Nominated persons: Ray Boyd
Email: Phone: 07 827 6665 Region: Waikato Address: 1829K Tirau Road, RD 1 Tirau 3484 New Zealand Nominated persons: Richard Barnaby
Phone: 09 263 5285 Region: Auckland Address: Level 3 AMI Building 15 Osterley Way Manukau 2104 New Zealand Nominated persons: Steve Schwarz
Phone: 09 358 2222 Region: Auckland Address: Lumley Centre 88 Shortland Street Auckland 1141 New Zealand Nominated persons: Phillip Merfield, Michael Wood
Phone: 04 499 4599 Region: Wellington Address: Level 24 HSBC Tower 195 Lambton Quay Wellington 6140 New Zealand Nominated persons: Duncan Laing, Donna Hurley
Phone: 0800 732 732 Region: Southland Address: 15 Forth Street Invercargill New Zealand Nominated persons: Kevin McNaught
Website Phone: 027 287 0419 Region: Nelson Canterbury Address: 98 Vickerman Street Nelson 7010 New Zealand Nominated persons: Emma Bourke, Nicola (Nicky) Mitchell
Phone: 03 477 4783 Region: Otago Address: 326 Moray Place Dunedin 9016 New Zealand Nominated persons: Geoffrey Bates
Website Phone: 09 309 8526 Region: Auckland Address: Level 14 55 Shortland Street Auckland 1010 New Zealand Nominated persons: Robyn Shephard, Nigel Goldney, Nicholas Pointon, Katherine Beveridge, Kristi Law, Hugh Tercel, Glen McIntosh, Dean Askew, David Everiss, Greg Blackett
Website Phone: 03 363 5901 Region: Canterbury Address: Level 2, Lion House 169 Madras Street Christchurch 8011 New Zealand Nominated persons: Chris Jones, Chris Leech, Emma Baker, Melanie McCrone, Mike Todd, Robert Johnston, Sam Zoweir, Shaun Dornbusch, Tony Fraser
Website Phone: 03 474 6408 Region: Otago Address: Level 7 10 George Street Dunedin 9016 New Zealand Nominated persons: Iain Govan
Website Phone: 07 838 6250 Region: Waikato Address: 150 Grantham Street Hamilton 3204 New Zealand Nominated persons: Jeremy Ball, Francine Benefield, Karyn Chamberlain, Chris Farrell, Timothy Hayward, Anna Krieger, Rachel Mogensen
Website Phone: 06 834 1232 Region: Hawke's Bay Address: Level 1 6 Albion Street Napier South 4110 New Zealand Nominated persons: Rebecca Mackenzie, Peter Graham, Paddy Pomana-Kemp, Melanie Whyte, Louise Hawthorne, Louise Cooper, Joanna Cassidy, Jesse Taylor, Jacqueline Haynes, Gina Pomana, Gareth Nicholl, Dave Macdonald, Craig Sampson, Bruce Douglas, Bevan Walker, Adrienne Toner
Website Phone: 03 546 3258 Region: Nelson Address: 4 Akersten Street Nelson 7040 New Zealand Nominated persons: Heather Bryant, Natalie Ballard, Peter Wilson
Website Phone: 06 769 5782 Region: Taranaki Address: Level 1 28 Currie Street New Plymouth 4310 New Zealand Nominated persons: Rachel Nicholas, Andrew Hopkirk
Website Phone: 06 356 1127 Region: Manawatu-Wanganui Address: Level 8 TSB Bank Tower 7-21 Fitzherbert Avenue Palmerston North 4410 New Zealand Nominated persons: Yvonne Evans, Stephen Bird, Ken Billing, Karyn-Maree Johnson
Website Phone: 07 349 7101 Region: Bay of Plenty Address: 1180 Lake Road Rotorua 3010 New Zealand Nominated persons: David Kent
Website Phone: 07 579 5192 Region: Bay of Plenty Address: Suite 3 143 Durham Street Tauranga 3110 New Zealand Nominated persons: Graeme Bates, Simon Boroughs, Graeme Nicholas, Stephanie Passey, Sam Saunders
Website Phone: 04 470 6105 Region: Wellington Address: Level 11, Cornerstone House 36 Customhouse Quay Wellington 6011 New Zealand Nominated persons: Wayne Crowley, Steve Donaldson, Rachel Buchanan, Mark Heavey, Kris Connell, James Clareburt, Ian Hutchison, Iain Smith, Greg Ball, Dave Hoffmann, Karen Mackle
Phone: 09 438 2372 Region: Northland Address: 17 Central Ave Whangarei 1010 New Zealand Nominated persons: Stuart P. Graham
Website Phone: (09) 836 1804 Region: Auckland Address: Ground floor, Central One 4 Henderson Valley Rd Auckland 0612 New Zealand Nominated persons: Edward Leong
Email: Phone: 027 423 0790 Region: Waikato Address: 25 Ward Street Hamilton 3204 New Zealand Nominated persons: Scott Beaumont
Email: Phone: 07 527 9747 Region: Bay of Plenty Address: 78 Second Avenue Tauranga 3110 New Zealand Nominated persons: Michael Beattie
Phone: 03 321 7046 Region: Canterbury Address: 14 Patiki Street Lincoln 7608 New Zealand Nominated persons: Chris Ward
Phone: 09 355 9500 Region: Auckland Address: The Westhaven 100 Beaumont Street Auckland 1010 New Zealand Nominated persons: Matt Kirkbride
Phone: 03 363 5400 Region: Canterbury Address: Opus House 20 Moorhouse Avenue Christchurch 8011 New Zealand Nominated persons: Simon Cornelius, Sai-Ek Ananthum, Louise Mincher, Sarah Stuart
Phone: 03 471 5500 Region: Otago Address: Opus House 197 Rattray Street Dunedin 9054 New Zealand Nominated persons: Robin Whelan
Phone: 07 838 9344 Region: Waikato Address: Opus House Princes Street Hamilton 3240 New Zealand Nominated persons: Stephen Taylor, Jacqui Dick, Greg Munro
Phone: 03 548 1099 Region: Nelson Address: Level 1 77 Selwyn Place Nelson New Zealand Nominated persons: Luisa Cameron, Andrew Noble
Phone: 04 471 7000 Region: Wellington Address: Level 9, Majestic Centre 100 Willis Street Wellington 6011 New Zealand Nominated persons: Andrew Noble, Ann Buick, Tim Papps, Teresa Buckthought, Jonathan Wright