Attention Dealings users
Landonline icon Attention Dealings users

As of 24 September Certify & Sign, Release and Submit (CSRS) functionality is switched off in Legacy Landonline

Learn more

Transitioning to New Landonline – Web Search

Information to help you use New Landonline – Web Search and prepare as parts of Legacy Landonline are turned off.

We have webinars, videos, news updates and instructions to help guide you through the New Landonline - Web Search.

Webinar video guide

Our Subject Matter Expert shows how to use the new Spatial Search and Survey Data  Extraction in Web Search as part of a Survey Webinar.

What’s coming for New Landonline - Survey Webinar  (YouTube - 21 mins).

  • Transcript available on YouTube.

How-to videos

Let our YouTube videos guide you through Web Search.

We'll add more videos soon. 

Guides for New Landonline – Web Search

Resources to help registered Landonline customers search and order land records.

Guides to simplify web search, view and access information and add items to the product list.

Latest changes to Web Search

Check this page for our latest changes to Landonline – Web Search

Subscribe to our monthly email newsletter to receive Landonline news, legislative updates and helpful tips:

Known issues for Web Search

If you experience issues with Web Search, check this list of known issues.

Got a query about Landonline? 

Call us: 0800 ONLINE (0800 665 463) 



Last updated