Summer services update
Information Summer services update

Our offices and services will have reduced availability over the holiday period.  Read more about our holiday hours and services availability.

Select a property title

If your search returns two or more results, you can select a single title to view its summary page.

If a search returns two or more results, you can select a single title to view its summary page and add it to your product list.

See To add multiple items to your Product list for information on selecting and adding multiple items to your product list.

What to do

Select the title you require to view the Title summary page. 

Table view

If you're viewing the title in table view, select the Record of Title hyperlink for the title you want.

Screenshot of table view select multiple titles

Card view

If you're viewing the title in card view, select the Record of Title card that you want.

Screenshot of card view select multiple titles

See Customising your view for more information on Table and Card views.

Navigating back to the previous screen

If you have selected a title and want to navigate back to the previous screen, follow the 'breadcrumb' path to go back one screen.

Screenshot of navigate back to previous screen

Or you can select the back button on your browser to go back to the previous results screen.

Screenshot of navigating back to previous screen using browser button
Last updated