Fees report

Fees reports enable you to stay up to date with the charges you are incurring for clients on their behalf.

There are two ways to view fee information:

  1. You can view a quick summary of the day’s spend in the Fee summary section for a client reference you have entered, or
  2. see more detailed information in the Fees report.

View a quick summary of the indicative daily fees

What to do

  1. Select the Firm/Client reference at the top right of the screen (you can do this at any time).  

    Screenshot highlighting 'Select my firms and account options' tab in top right corner of screen.
  2. Select the main menu icon. The indicative fees are displayed below the client reference. You can view other indicative fees by typing in a different client reference.   

    screenshot of opened main menu in Web Search, highlighting the main menu icon at top right corner, and teh client reference and today's spend.


  3. In the Product list. This is where you can update/change the client reference to view different daily spends across different client references. Select the Product list icon in the header and then scroll down to the bottom of the product list to see the Client reference and Today's spend

    screenshot of product list in web search, highlighting the footer.
  4. Select the pencil icon to edit the client reference. 

    screenshot of update client reference panel. The pencil icon at the bottom left of the product list is also highlighted.

    The fees displayed in the fee summary are indicative only and are specific to the current client reference.

    Fees are charged when the documents are delivered, not when you make the purchase.

    Any duplicate search charges with the same client reference and the same document type/description, that are ordered on the same day, will be cancelled overnight. If you check again the next day, the status of any duplicates is ‘Cancelled-Withdrawn’ and the charges are reversed.

Run a fees report

What to do

You can run a fees report for a period of time, a specific user, or all users, and with a specific client reference.

  1. Select Fees report from the main menu. 

    Screenshot of fees report link from main menu
  2. The Fees report page will open. 

    Screenshot of fees report landing page
  3. If you work for multiple firms, check you have the correct firm selected. To change the firm, select your user ID in the header, then select the firm you want to run the fees report for. 

    Screenshot of fees report switch firms
  4. If you switch firms the name of the firm will also update in the header text. 

    Screenshot of update firm showing on fees report landing page

    If you don't have any associated firms, it will just say Fees Report (and have no firm).

  5. Enter the date range and click on the Apply button. 

    Screenshot of fees report enter the date range

    The maximum length you can select for a date range is 1 year.

  6. Select User(s). You can select all users or a single user. 

    Screenshot of fees report select users

    The Client reference field is a free text field. Click into the field and type in the client reference you want to appear on the fees report. 

    Screenshot of fees report add/change client reference

    Leave this field blank to return results for all client references.

  7. If there are any items that did not incur a charge, and you want them included in the fees report, check the Include zero-charge items box. 

    Screenshot of fees report include zero charge items
  8. You can view the fees report on-screen or you can export / print the fees report. 

    Screenshot of fees report view on screen or export - print
  9. If you choose to view the fees report on-screen, the results will populate in a table below. 

    screenshot of on-screen fees report. The View on screen button is highlighted.

    If you change any of the details you previously entered when choosing to view the fees report on screen, you will need to click the View on screen button again to update the results in the table.

  10. If you select the Export / print button you will see a pop-up box with options that allow you to download the fees report as a .PDF or as a .CSV file. 

    Screenshot of export - print report dialogue box
  11. When you select the Download button you will momentarily see a pop-up message telling you the fees report is being generated, it may take some time, but you can keep working. 

    Screenshot of fees report generating fees report message

    You can leave the fees report page and continue working in Landonline, but don’t close out of Landonline or you may need to set up and run your fees report again.

  12. You will momentarily see a message if the report has successfully generated. 

    Screenshot of fees report generated message
  13. The browser you use will determine how the Fees report is downloaded. You will either see a confirmation notification of the download at the top of your screen, or at the bottom of your screen. Typically, the Fees report will be downloaded to your default download location. 

    Screenshot of fees report downloaded message

    If the fees report doesn’t show any data or you think you are missing data, try using fewer filters, apply a wider date range, and check the spelling of your client reference.

Last updated