Summer services update
Information Summer services update

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Plan Generation Pilot

This information is for participants of the Plan Generation pilot ONLY

Getting started with Plan Generation

Use Plan Generation to define and lay out diagrams for Survey and Title sheets, and generate Records of Survey and Title plans for a survey dataset.

Introduction to Plan Generation

Plan Generation replaces Legacy Landonline Plan Generation. 

In Plan Generation in New Landonline you can:

  • display layers of existing spatial data to give context to the survey
  • automatically define title and survey related diagram images
  • define areas to create more detailed diagrams for title and survey related data
  • select existing primary parcel boundaries to indicate Record of Title (RT) boundaries – also known as estate boundaries
  • include underlying data such as appellations and road names
  • include abuttal boundaries
  • label diagrams
  • add text (labels) and lines to a diagram
  • edit diagrams, labels, coordinates and lines
  • define diagrams within diagrams (nested diagrams).   

You can include a scanned plan image as a Plan Graphic supporting document in Survey capture – such as a Unit Plan or Cross Lease Plan. This will be included in your generated plans.

Coming soon:

In New Landonline you can’t draw new lines for abuttals or estate boundaries in Define Diagrams. This feature is coming in 2025.

You can currently add these lines manually in your Layout Plan Sheets.

Learn about key differences with Legacy Landonline


Landonline Plan Generation defines the following diagrams as the basis for plans:

  • survey diagram - the System Generated Survey diagram
  • title diagram (lots and sections) - the System Generated Primary diagram
  • title non-primary parcel diagram (easements, etc.) - the System Generated Non Primary diagram
  • user defined detail survey and title diagrams.  

From the system generated diagrams, New Landonline forms pages in Layout Plan Sheets and generates:

  • Record of Survey
  • Title Plan

You can add additional pages in the layout sheets where you can add your user defined diagrams to clearly show detailed information and add clarity to your plans. 

Define diagrams

Layout plan sheets

Complete survey capture before using Plan Generation 

Before using Plan Generation ensure your survey is completely captured and all new parcels are linked. We recommend running the pre-validation report before you open Plan Generation, so you can address any issues.  

You can use Plan Generation before your survey is completely captured if you’re confident the Title Sheet will not change and you need to generate a plan for a TA certification. 

Warning message if survey capture isn’t completed 

Before you can open Plan Generation you need to:

  • capture at least 1 vector or boundary line between 2 marks
  • record a purpose for all marks  
  • specify at least 1 mark as an existing Landonline mark
  • make all marks either a To or From mark for a vector or boundary line
  • define all boundary lines in your survey as part of a parcel definition
  • link all parcel attributes to spatially defined definitions.

If survey capture is incomplete and you try to open Plan Generation, you’ll see a warning such as the example below of marks not connected to vectors. 


Error message 29063 when trying to enter plan generation and capture not complete.

You will need to resolve any issues before you can use Plan Generation. 

Open Plan Generation


Image of the Plan generation icon

To open Plan Generation, left-click the Plan Generation icon on the Workflow toolbar on the left-hand side of your Survey Capture spatial view.  


Image of survey spatial view, highlighting the plan generation icon in the toolbar on left side of screen

If survey capture has been completed, this takes you to the Plan Generation landing page. 


Image of the plan generation landing page

From the landing page, you can open:

  • Define Diagrams
  • Maintain Diagram Layers
  • Label Preferences
  • Layout Plan Sheets.  

You can return to your survey capture by left-clicking Back to Survey Capture at the top left of the landing page.


Image highlighting Back to survey capture icon at top left of plan generation landing page
Last updated