Who can certify and sign dealings

Who can certify and sign dealings, certifying on behalf of someone and applying for signing rights.

Who can certify and sign instruments

You must be a Conveyancing Professional to certify and sign in New Landonline, have the correct privileges and hold a:

  • 2-year Digital Certificate
  • valid Annual Practicing Certificate.

Multi-party instruments

Multi-party instruments, like transfers, must be certified and signed by Conveyancing Professionals representing each role.

Once the first Conveyancing Professional has certified and signed an instrument, it's status will change to Part-Signed. The status will change to Signed when all parties have certified and signed the instrument.

Primary contacts

Primary contacts have read-only access to the Certify & Sign page in New Landonline.

How to apply for certifying and signing rights

Apply for certify and signing rights on the Change your details page in New Landonline. You must hold a valid practicing certificate.

Change your details

In the meantime if you don't have rights, you can ask a Conveyancing Professional in your firm to certify and sign on your behalf.

Certifying and signing on behalf of someone

You can certify and sign on behalf of another Conveyancing Professional in your firm. You can also certify and sign where there are multiple Conveyancing Professionals acting for different parties within the same role for an instrument.

You need to have sufficient knowledge of the dealing to make informed and accurate certifications.

Last updated