You can only sign instruments once you have completed all certifications on the Certify & Sign page.
View video on signing instruments
Watch this video to learn how to sign instruments in your dealing in Landonline - Dealings.
1: Confirm you understand the effect of the listed instruments.
Check the box below the list of instruments to confirm you have fully viewed the instruments and understood the effects.

2: Confirm the tax information is correct if necessary.
Some dealings need you to confirm tax information. Skip to Step 3 if the tax information box doesn't show below your instruments.
Select View PDF to review the full tax statement.
Check the box below the instruments to confirm the:
- tax information recorded in Landonline for the instruments listed matches the information in the tax statements for all roles you're signing on behalf of, or
- the transfer is exempt from providing a tax statement.

3: Check your Digital Certificate is connected.
Check your current Digital Certificate (DC) is displayed on the screen. If not, select:
- Choose Digital Certificate - if your DC is current
- Change Digital Certificate - if you need to connect your renewed DC.

4: Enter your certificate passphrase.
Enter your Certificate passphrase and select Sign instruments.
If you can't remember your passphrase, contact Customer Support on 0800 665 463.
You'll have 3 attempts to get the passphrase right. If you fail all attempts you'll have to start the certify and sign process again.

After you enter your Certificate passphrase an Authentication request pop-up will appear. This pop-up may appear on a different screen to the one you're working on.

Don't accept any messages from your Password Manager asking to re-save your password. Password Manager will try to use your passphrase instead of your password when you next log into Landonline.
Enable pop-ups if necessary
If you don't have pop-ups enabled in your browser, you won't get the Authentication request pop-up. Find advice on enabling pop-ups depending on the browser you use:
- Microsoft Edge - block or allow pop-ups
- Mozilla - pop-up blocker settings
- Safari - allow or block pop-ups
Once you've enabled pop-ups, select Go back in the pop-up. You'll be taken to the Sign instruments page.
Select Sign instruments again.
5: Enter your Landonline password.
You are still logged into Landonline. However, to continue signing you'll need to authenticate yourself again.
Enter your usual Landonline password into the Authentication request pop-up.
Select Confirm password.

If you get your password wrong
If you get your password wrong, you'll have 4 more attempts before you are locked out. Then you'll need to reset your password.
To reset your password, select Forgotten your password? Reset it here from the pop-up or your Login screen.
6: Wait for signing.
Once you've entered your password the Signing in progress message will appear. Signing can take a while depending on how many titles, instruments or instruments with attachments there are.
For really large dealings you may need to re-authenticate during the signing session by re-entering your Landonline password.

If signing is successful then you'll be redirected back to the Certify & Sign page.
A Signing was successful message will appear and the Status column will update to show the instrument has been signed.

Signing was unsuccessful
If signing is unsuccessful you'll be redirected back to the Certify & sign page.
An error message will appear asking you to try again. Select Reload in this message to try again.

The Certify & Sign page will update with the instruments that have been signed.
Any instruments that aren't signed will need to be certified and signed again.

7: Review your certifications and signatures in the Certify & Sign page.
Once all signings are successful you'll be taken back to the Certify & Sign page to check your instruments.
You can see an instrument is fully signed when:
- Signed appears in the Status column
- a green tick appears in the Signing Status column.
An instrument is part-signed when:
- Part-signed appears in the Status column
- a blue tick appears in the Signing Status column.
Part-signed statuses appear when there are multiple roles or conveyancy professionals per instrument to sign.

Click on an instrument to open the Instrument preview to check your certifications and signatures.

Viewing signing status from other pages
There are 2 other ways to view the signing status of your instruments.
On the Instruments & Roles page. Check the:
- Status column in the Instruments section, or
- green ticks in the Roles section.

In the Dealing details panel on your Landing page.
To open the Dealing details panel, click anywhere on a row, except on the dealing number link.
The Dealing details panel has a Signing status for each instrument: Signed, Part-signed or Not signed.
A green tick will appear when an instrument has been fully signed.