Navigate to the Certify & Sign page

Find the Certify & Sign page in New Landonline

How you’ll navigate to the Certify & Sign page depends on where you are in the dealing. 

Five ways to navigate to the Certify & Sign page

You have 5 ways to navigate to the Certify & Sign page.

From your landing page

  1. From your Landing page, select the menu that looks like a 3-dot icon.
  2. Select Certify & Sign from the dropdown menu. 
Example of where select menus to navigate to Certify & Sign from your landing page.

From the Dealing details panel

  1. Select your dealing from the Dealings page. This slides out the Dealing details panel.
  2. Select the menu that looks like a 3-dot icon next to the instrument you want to certify and sign. A dropdown menu will appear.
  3. Select Certify & Sign from the dropdown menu.
Example of menus you select from your dealing details page to get into Certify & Sign

From within the dealing

In the dealing select Certify & Sign from the navigation sidebar.

Example of finding link to Certify & Sign in side menu within a dealing

From the Instrument & Roles page

  1. From the Instrument & Roles page, select the menu that looks like a 3-dot icon.
  2. Select Certify & Sign from the dropdown menu.
Example of where to find Certify & Sign links from within a dealing

From the Prepare instrument page

From the Prepare instrument page, select Certify & Sign.

Example of how you can navigate to Certify & sign page by selecting button bottom left of prepare instrument page.


Last updated