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Fees and image only instruments

When to check if an image only instrument has an advertisement fee or is exempt from fees.

When to add an advertising fee

Some image only instruments require an advertising fee. If so, an Advertising fee checkbox will appear under the Attach image field of the instrument. 

The Advertising fee checkbox is automatically checked under the Attach image field when an instrument is: 

  • Application for Record of Title for ss155, 172 
  • 204 Land Transfer Action 2017 (AP17). 

You may need to check the Advertising fee checkbox for these instruments: 

  • Lease, Re-entry of Lessor (RE) 
  • Extinguishment of Easement – s113/114/115 LTA 2017 (EE) 
  • Joint Family Home Application (JFH).
Example of what shows when advertising fee is optional.

When to check the instrument is exempt from fees checkbox

A This instrument is exempt from fees checkbox may appear under the Attach image field. 

Check the This instrument is exempt from fees checkbox if the following instruments are exempt from fees: 

  • Application for Release of Statutory Land Charge s120(3) Land Transfer Act 2017 (A120) 
  • Charging Order/Rating Order (CHO) 
  • Court Order (CO)
  • Recission/Revocation of Agreement for Sale and Purchase (RASP)
  • Court Order under the Criminal Proceeds (Recovery) Act 2009 (COCP).
Example of what shows when instrument is exempt from advertising fees.


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