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As of 24 September Certify & Sign, Release and Submit (CSRS) functionality is switched off in Legacy Landonline

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Upload PDFs for an image only instrument

How to attach a PDF from your files to a dealing in New Landonline.

You can drag and drop PDFs into an image only instrument or browse your files to upload them.

Drag and drop a PDF file

Select the PDF you wish to upload from your files.

Example of how to highlight your file to drag into attach images field

Hold your mouse down and drag the PDF into the Attach image field of your instrument.

Let go of your mouse to drop the PDF in the Drag and drop here or browse field.

Example of how to attach your file in the attach field.

The PDF image should now appear under the Attach image field.

Example of how it looks when image is attached to instrument.

Browse your files to upload a PDF

Select browse in the Attach image field of your instrument.

Example of browse button to select to attach an image.

Search your network drives, for example, Documents, to find your PDF.

Select the PDF in your files to highlight it.

Select Open to attach the PDF to your instrument.

Example of how to select file, select open to attach image to instrument.

The PDF image will now appear under the Attach image field. 

Signs a PDF image has uploaded

A green loading bar will appear as a PDF uploads. 

Once uploaded a tick icon will appear. This icon will turn into a delete icon once image has completely uploaded.

Any images attached to an instrument will show as an icon on the Instrument and Roles page.

Signs a PDF image hasn't uploaded

A PDF image won't upload to your dealing if it exceeds the file size limits.

You'll get the error message 'Exceeds the maximum file size'.

You'll need to reduce the size of your files, or contact Customer support if you can't reduce these sizes

Find information on reducing file sizes:

Before you upload PDF images

Example of error message when exceeded limit or not successful.

Change the order of PDF images

To change the order of PDFs you’ve uploaded: 

  1. Hover over the move icon of the left of the PDF title. This looks like 6 green dots. Your cursor will change to a grabbing hand. 
  2. Select the icon and hold your mouse down to move the PDFs up or down.
Example of how to select drag icon to move images in order.


Last updated