Attention Dealings users
Landonline icon Attention Dealings users

As of 24 September Certify & Sign, Release and Submit (CSRS) functionality is switched off in Legacy Landonline

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Before you upload PDF images

Information on file sizes and requirements for PDFs in New Landonline.

An image only instrument is made up of 1 or more PDF documents attached to an instrument.

Check your PDF

Before you upload PDFs check: 

  • they’re clear and easy to read, both on screen and when printed 
  • they have the necessary information to support the instrument 
  • individual PDFs do not exceed 10 MB in size
  • all PDFs combined total no more than 20 MB in size. 

Registration may be refused under Section 39 (1)(a) of the Land Transfer Act 2017 if images are: 

  • not clear and easy to read 
  • too large to include all the instrument’s data.

File size limits for New Landonline

You can attach multiple images up to a total file size of 20MB. Individual PDFs cannot exceed 10 MB in size.

Large files may take a while to upload and may time out when you preview an instrument. 

To reduce your file size, consider:

  • reducing any images used in the PDF 
  • changing coloured PDFs into black and white
  • compressing your PDFs.

Adobe - Two easy ways to compress PDFs on a PC

If you need to attach larger files, get in touch with our Customer Support on 0800 665 463.

Last updated