Prepare a transmission in title mode

How to use Title mode to prepare a transmission in New Landonline.

The Prepare Transmission page defaults to Title mode. 


You can only prepare transmission types Survivorship or Executor/Administrator in New Landonline.

Go to Legacy Landonline to prepare all other transmission types, to attach an image or to use Lease/Mortage/Other mode.

Step 1: Navigate to the prepare transmission page

You can open the Prepare transmission page from the Instruments and Roles page. You can open it in multiple ways by selecting the:

  • transmission hyperlink when the instrument details are collapsed
  • Prepare button when the transmission instrument details are displayed
  • 3-dot icon to the right of the transmission instrument, followed by Prepare instrument from the menu.


Instruments and Roles page. Highlighted are the places you can select to navigate to the Transmissions page. Highlighted is the Transmission hyperlink at the top left-hand corner of the page, the Prepare, 3-dot icon and Prepare instrument link from the drop-down at the bottom right of the page.

Step 2: Select Title mode or Instrument mode

By default, Title mode is elected for a transmission instrument. Choose the right mode for your transmission.

Use Title mode to prepare a transmission when:

  • all interests on the title are affected by the transmission
  • dealing with different shares or interests in the title or titles
  • adding information to support the transmission, including text or an image.


Go to Legacy Landonline to prepare a transmission for a lessee, mortgagee, encumbrancee or other type of interest.

Title mode

Prepare transmission page. Highlighted is the toggle for the mode. The toggle is Title or Instrument. Selected is Title.

Step 3: Select the transmission type 

The Transmission type field will automatically populate with:

  • Executor/Administrator when there is an individual owner or when the registered owners are tenants in common.
  • Survivorship when the registered owners are joint tenants.

The Transmission type field won't automatically populate when there is a combination of ownership, for example joint tenants and tenants in common, or when there is corporate ownership. 


The dealing will step down to Lodge if there is a caveat on the affected title.

Select the down arrow at the end of the Transmission type field to view transmission types and select the appropriate option.


Go to Legacy Landonline to prepare transmissions that are not Executor/Administrator or Survivorship transmissions.

Transmission type field

Prepare transmission page. Shown is the Transmission type drop down menu. Highlighted is the Survivorship transmission type.

Step 4: Enter the date the applicant became entitled to the estate or interest

The name of the date field updates depending on the transmission type.

For example, when Survivorship is selected the field name will be Date of Death. 

For Executor/Administrator the field name will be Date probate or letters of administration issued.

Dates will be recorded as the date acquired on the resulting instrument.

To enter a date either:

  • type the date directly as dd/mm/yyyy, or
  • select the calendar icon and select a date from the calendar.


Transmission page. Shown highlighted is the date field for the transmission. The calendar icon is selected, so the calendar is shown. You'd use this to select a date.

Step 5: Select the deceased registered owner.

Use the checkbox next to the registered owner's name to select the deceased. If there is only 1 registered owner, the deceased will already be selected.

If you can't select a registered owner, check the transmission type is correct.


The Registered Owner(s) section will automatically display names of registered owners and will show any prior change of ownership instrument that's already been prepared in the same dealing.

If needed, you can select the:

  • Person icon to the right of an owner to view additional details for them, such as an alias, suffix or birthdate of a minor. If the icon is filled and blue, it means there are additional details for that owner.
  • Revert/update button to reset the registered owner's names to reflect the Register and any prior instruments in the dealing. For example, if a name has been edited using 'Change due to pending dealing' you can revert that name back to what's recorded on the Register. Also, if a prior instrument has been added to your dealing and it changes the registered owners, you can use Revert/update to pull through the updated names.


Go to Legacy Landonline to use Change due to pending dealing.

Select the deceased registered owner

Prepare transmission page. Highlighted are the checkboxes and person icons you use to select the deceased or find more information. Highlighed above that on the left hand side of the page is the revert and update button.

Step 6: Add the applicant details

Remaining owners are pre-populated as applicants if the transmission is by survivorship and the owners are in a joint tenancy.


Prepare transmission page. Highlighted is the pre-populated applicants field. It's pre-populated as it's a survivorship transmission.

If the transmission is to Executor/Administrator:

  • enter the Given and Family Name for an individual or select the corporate icon to enter the Corporate name
  • select the Capacity of each applicant, either Executor or Administrator.

Use +Add row to add additional applicants.

Select delete to remove an applicant.

If you need to add additional details for an applicant, such as an alias, suffix or birthdate of a minor, select the person icon to the right of their capacity. Then add details.


Prepare transmissions page. Highlighed are the fields to add, delete or add additional details to applicants who are Executors or Administrators.

Step 7: If needed, enter further details to clarify the intent of the transmission

Use the Additional Clauses, Conditions, or Intent field to include additional details about the transmission. For example, confirming that multiple selected owners are the same person.

The Additional Clauses, Conditions or Intent field is a free text field and will cause the instrument to step down to Lodge once used.


Go to Legacy Landonline to attach an image in the Additional Clauses, Conditions, or Intent field.

Additional Clauses, Conditions or Intent field

Transmission page. Shown highlighted is the free text field to attach images and add additional information to support the intent of the transmission.

Step 8: Check the Summary to review the instrument details

The Summary tab will automatically update and display the affected record of title, the affected owner (the deceased) and the applicants.

To check your transmission:

  • Select Save to see the Resulting Ownership on the summary
  • Check the summary details are correct.

For a full instrument preview select Preview instrument.


Summary tab on transmission page. Highlighted is the button to select when you preview the instrument.

Step 9: Save the instrument details

To save instrument details:

  • Select Save to save information and remain on the Prepare transmission page.
  • Select Save and back to save the information and return to the Instrument & Roles page.


Last updated