Summer services update
Information Summer services update

Our offices and services will have reduced availability over the holiday period.  Read more about our holiday hours and services availability.

Draft vs Final fees on your Landonline fees report

The difference between draft and final fees on a Landonline fees report.

Draft vs Final fees on your Landonline fees report

Many customers have asked why their Landonline fees report appears to show some fees twice. Fees do not display twice, but they may display with different statuses.

The Landonline fees report has been designed to give users an indication of fees incurred at the earliest possible time, and is only an indicative report.

The majority of fees on the report will have a status of 'Final', however, a LODGE dealing will show fees as Draft as at the date of lodgement, and may show the fee again with a status of 'Final' on the date that the dealing is registered.


Screenshot showing the Fee status column of the Landonline fees report

Note that fees are invoiced at the end of each calendar month, and only the fees with a status of 'Final' are included in the invoice.