Landonline user access types

Deciding what Landonline access your people will need? Here's what you need to know to choose the right user access type.

This page contains information about the type of user access you need (‘user access type’) and Digital Certificates.

As part of the sign-up process, you’ll need to assign each of your staff members using Landonline a user access type to reflect the work they’re doing in Landonline.

Each member of your team who is allocated signing rights must also have their own Digital Certificate. If a Digital Certificate is required for authentication purposes, there will be a charge for this.

Find out about or download a Digital Certificate

User access types

Web search only

Used by registered customers entering username and password. 

Users can conduct searches using key information such as address, title reference or registered owner. 

Users can also conduct and view spatial searches of land information – for use by search agents, real estate agents and valuers

Dealings (access includes Notice of Change, Requests, Notices, and Web Search)

Used by conveyancing professionals to register title instruments and changes to titles electronically. 

Users can also conduct and view spatial searches of land information.

Dealings users with signing rights require a Digital Certificate.

Survey (access includes Requests, Notices, and Web Search) 

Used by surveyors to electronically submit cadastral surveys. 

All survey firms lodge survey plans using Landonline. 

Survey users with signing rights require a Digital Certificate. 

TA Certification (access includes Supporting Documents, Requests, Notices, and Web Search) 

Used by Territorial Authorities (TAs) to certify cadastral surveys online. 

TAs can choose to certify survey plans either on paper or electronically using Grant TA Certification. 

TA Certification users with signing rights require a Digital Certificate. 

Setting up a Landonline account

Continue with the sign-up process.

Add a new user to an existing account

Users can be added to an existing account by using the Add Individual form.