Already have a Landonline account for your firm?
To add a new user or a new licence, go to:
Add a user of change your details
1. Read and understand:
- your obligations at:
Landonline terms and conditions - what Landonline information we may share at:
Landonline privacy statement
2. Check your systems
You will require a reliable internet connection and a supported browser (Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari).
For users with signing rights (i.e. Dealings user including certify & sign rights, Survey user including sign & submit rights, TA Certification user including signing rights) you will be required to download and install a Digital Certificate.
3. Complete the Account Holder sign up form
First decide your:
- Landonline user access types
- Trusted Contact and System Manager
- Individual users including their name, email address and proof of identify (driver’s licence, passport or firearm licence).
You will receive an email with PDF forms attached that you need to complete:
- Proof of identity (must be certified for users with signing rights and Dealings users)
- Contract
- Practising Certificate or Cadastral Surveyors Licence, if you're a Certify and Signing user
- Māori Land Court signing delegation, if applicable.
Please scan and email completed paperwork as a PDF to
All scans must be clear, readable, and in full colour. When received you will receive a confirmation email. (Note: allow five working days).
4. Download Landonline software and digital certificate – for signing users only
You will need to download and install Landonline software that will run on your PC/Laptop, and you will also be required to download and install a Digital Certificate.
Digital Certificate codes are issued for users who need to sign transactions. Once a user has received an email with codes, they can download a digital certificate to their computer.
Digital certificates and security
Read and understand your Landonline terms and conditions - Schedule 1 Digital Certificate user obligations.