Sign up to Landonline

Here is what you need to do to sign up to Landonline.

Already have a Landonline account for your firm?

To add a new user or a new licence, go to:
Add a user of change your details

1. Read and understand:

2. Check your systems

You will require a reliable internet connection and a supported browser (Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari).

For users with signing rights (i.e. Dealings user including certify & sign rights, Survey user including sign & submit rights, TA Certification user including signing rights) you will be required to download and install a Digital Certificate.

3. Complete the Account Holder sign up form

First decide your:

  • Landonline user access types
  • Trusted Contact and System Manager
  • Individual users including their name, email address and proof of identify (driver’s licence, passport or firearm licence).

Complete sign-up form

You will receive an email with PDF forms attached that you need to complete:

  • Proof of identity (must be certified for users with signing rights and Dealings users)
  • Contract
  • Practising Certificate or Cadastral Surveyors Licence, if you're a Certify and Signing user
  • Māori Land Court signing delegation, if applicable.

Please scan and email completed paperwork as a PDF to

All scans must be clear, readable, and in full colour. When received you will receive a confirmation email. (Note: allow five working days).

4. Download Landonline software and digital certificate – for signing users only

You will need to download and install Landonline software that will run on your PC/Laptop, and you will also be required to download and install a Digital Certificate.

Software downloads

Digital Certificate codes are issued for users who need to sign transactions. Once a user has received an email with codes, they can download a digital certificate to their computer.

Digital certificates and security

Read and understand your Landonline terms and conditions - Schedule 1 Digital Certificate user obligations.


5. Provide training, user guides and resources

Get started in Landonline with user guides and resources

Last updated