Land records not available in Land Record Search

A list of titles, surveys, instruments and other land records you can't order in Land Record Search.

Not all New Zealand property information is held by Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand (LINZ).

Bulk searches for any land records are also not available.

We recommend you check what you can't order below before using Land Record Search.

Māori land records

Māori land records are held by the Māori Land Court.

Pātaka Whenua - use this portal to search for records

Most older or pre-1900s records

Some of our older land records are too large or fragile to scan. You may be able to view them in one of our offices:

View an original paper copy of a record

However, most older records are held by Archives New Zealand, found through their Collections search:

Archives New Zealand - Collections search

Property value and sales information

Our titles and survey records do not include information about the value of land or property, or sales predictions.

Local councils, real estate professionals and other land professionals may have this information.

Other land record providers

Protected titles

Some titles are unable to be searched as they are withheld under the Land Transfer Act 2017 or Family Violence Act 2018.

If a title is withheld you'll receive a message that the title could not be displayed or does not exist. 

Sales, consents, building reports and memorandum

Toitū Te Whenua LINZ does not provide:

  • property sales information
  • due diligence reports.

Contact a lawyer or real estate agent.

We also do not provide:

  • boundaries and survey mark information for disputes
  • building consents
  • history of the area
  • Land Information Memorandum (LIM reports)
  • restrictions on a property information
  • resource consents.

Contact your local city council for these reports.

Local Government - city council contacts

We do not give advice on buying a house. For information on house buying check out Settled:

Settled - buying a home

How to find records not in Land Record Search

The following may help with your search for land records that can't be found in Land Record Search:

View an original land record

How to search for land records

Go to Land Record Search

Last updated