Information releases

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Information releases

Issue or publication date Title Category
Kōwhai Park P Limited Partnership Overseas Investment Assessment Report Official Information Act release
Overseas Investment assessment reports - General Distributors Limited, Fletcher Residential Limited and Vivid Living Limited Official Information Act release
Valuation reports relating to reclaimed land under the Marine and Coastal Area (Takutai Moana) Act 2011 Official Information Act release
Communication relating to jobs cuts and savings targets Official Information Act release
Napier Prison reports Official Information Act release
Overseas Investment Assessment Report for South Island Resource Recovery Limited Official Information Act release
Consultation on proposals to update fees for LINZ survey and title services Cabinet papers and minutes
Headcount and FTE of ICT roles Official Information Act release
Overseas Investment assessment of significant business asset acquisitions Official Information Act release
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority and Land Information New Zealand, Red Zone Insurance Recovery Information Official Information Act release
Forestry rights held by China Forestry Group New Zealand Company Official Information Act release
Restrictions on purpose for searching information and search details for a record of title Official Information Act release
Decision document for a Licence to Occupy on Lake Dunstan Official Information Act release
Pepper New Zealand Limited application and decision documents Official Information Act release
Briefing to the Incoming Minister material Official Information Act release
Salary bands and how roles fit within them Official Information Act release
Legal advice on creating roads by transfer and dedication Official Information Act release
Kauri Forestry LP application for an exemption from the farm land offer criterion Official Information Act release
Request for information relating to the first meeting between Toitū Te Whenua and the incoming Minister for Land Information Official Information Act release
Ministerial Inquiry into Land Use in Tairāwhiti /Gisborne and Wairoa - Legal review of the 2019 Hikurangi Forest Farms decision under the Overseas Investment Act 2005 Official Information Act release
Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand branding and website costs Official Information Act release
Evolution Healthcare NZ Limited application for Overseas Investment Act consent Official Information Act release
Follow up request for information regarding surplus Crown properties for sale or lease in New Zealand Official Information Act release
Overseas Investment Assessment Reports for SC Oscar Holdings Pte Ltd and Genesis Energy Limited Official Information Act release
Assessment reports for overseas investments in a number for forestry applications under the Overseas Investment Act 2005 Official Information Act release
Kauri Forestry LP Overseas Investment Assessment Report Official Information Act release
Statistics on consents relating to forestry approved under the Overseas Investment Act 2005 in the 2023 calendar year Official Information Act release
Request for copy of the proposal to alter Petone to Pito One Official Information Act release
Excerpt from the Geographic Board’s minutes of 22 June 2023 Official Information Act release
Overseas Investment Act 2005 consent for Sealord Group Limited to acquire Independent Fisheries Limited Official Information Act release
Briefing to the Incoming Minister for Land Information - Nov 2023 Briefing
Statistics on consents granted under the Overseas Investment Act 2005 Official Information Act release
Purchase of 23 Adelaide Road Official Information Act release
Sale by Tender document for Kohumaru Station Official Information Act release
New titles for units at 44 Millbrook Road, Henderson, Auckland Official Information Act release
Request for withdrawn document 918444.1 Official Information Act release
Map of Tairawhiti Region since 2003 Official Information Act release
Assessment and decision documents relating to standing consent under Overseas Investment case 202100626 - Metlifecare Limited Official Information Act release
Confirming land at Mount Crawford as being in the disposal process Official Information Act release
Response to questions regarding land at Mount Crawford Official Information Act release
Details of forestry standing consents granted since August 2022 Official Information Act release
Purchase of 23 Adelaide Road Official Information Act release
Diversity, rainbow and inclusivity training at Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand Official Information Act release
Information held by LINZ on Opua Wharf Official Information Act release
AlphaTheta Corporation to acquire up to 100% of the shares in Serato Audio Research Limited Official Information Act release
Past leases for St Omer Wharf Queenstown Official Information Act release
Information on land at Watts Peninsula Official Information Act release
Memorialized properties under s27b of the State-Owned Enterprises Act 1986 Official Information Act release
Toitū Te Whenua parental leave policies Official Information Act release
The acquisition agreement for the Perkins Farm Official Information Act release