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Crown property
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Official Information Act release

Release relates to compliance actions was taken by Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) / Commissioner of Crown Lands (CCL) after 1 January 2018. Included in the request is the name of the Lease, the compliance action, the reason for the compliance action and current status of the activity.

Included in the request is the name of the Lease, the compliance action, the reason for the compliance action and current status of the activity.

We have taken a broad definition of ‘compliance actions’ to include where we have sent lessees a reminder of lease obligations or asked for the activity to be considered through a consent application. This reflects our general approach to compliance – to first provide educational material about lease responsibilities and to support lessees through the consent process and legislation changes where this has been appropriate.

The compliance actions listed include minor matters or requests from lessees to have consents processed, through to more serious matters that required greater consideration.

The approach to compliance depends on the specifics of each situation. We have used site visits to support lessees through legislative and regulatory changes and to provide guidance on their obligations and new consenting requirements. We encourage lessees to approach us in the first instance if they have any questions about compliance and what activities require consent. The increased presence on pastoral leases by LINZ has resulted in greater awareness and reporting of unconsented activities.