Summer services update
Information Summer services update

Our offices and services will have reduced availability over the holiday period.  Read more about our holiday hours and services availability.

SNAP and CONCORD downloads

Information about the SNAP software suite, and how to download and install the SNAP and CONCORD programs.

Conditions of use

Downloading or using any of our geodetic software applications is taken to be acceptance of the conditions for geodetic downloads listed on the geodetic software and downloads page.


SNAP (Survey Network Adjustment Package) is a suite of programs for adjusting the coordinates of stations in a survey network to best fit the observed data. SNAP can use:

  • GPS baselines or multi-station vector and point data
  • horizontal angles
  • zenith distances
  • slope and horizontal distances
  • azimuths
  • projection bearings
  • levelled height differences
  • latitude
  • longitude
  • height observations.

SNAP runs on most recent 64 bit versions of Windows.  

To install SNAP, extract and run the installation file snap_install.msi

64 bit version of SNAP (ZIP 30MB)

Last updated October 2022

Some of the programs supplied with SNAP will only work if a perl interpreter has been installed. A version of perl for Windows can be downloaded from the Strawberry perl website


CONCORD is a component of SNAP that converts coordinates between various systems, including:

  • New Zealand Map Grid coordinates
  • Meridional Circuit coordinates  
  • New Zealand Geodetic Datum 1949 (NZGD49)  
  • New Zealand Geodetic Datum 2000 (NZGD2000) latitude and longitude coordinates.  

CONCORD is operated by running commands in a Command Prompt window.

CONCORD can be downloaded separately from the SNAP suite. To install it, extract the contents of the zip file into a folder and set the include the full path of the folder in the PATH environment variable.

The CONCORD component of SNAP (ZIP 1MB)

Last updated October 2022

The source code for CONCORD (including build instruction) for a Linux environment can be downloaded from the Toitū Te Whenua GitHub account 

SNAP add-on packages

To install a SNAP add-on package:

  1. download and save the ZIP file
  2. click on “Run SNAP”on the desktop or in the start menu to open the snap_manager application
  3. click the “Install package” option in the Tools menu of snap_manager,
  4. select the downloaded zip file in the Install package dialog add the package to SNAP
  5. restart snap_manager.

The following SNAP add-on packages are currently available.  

LINZ geodetic contractor tools

The LINZ geodetic contractor tools package has been developed for use by contractors providing geodetic survey and maintenance services to Toitū Te Whenua. It provides support for managing test adjustments and compiling files which comply with contract specifications.

LINZ geodetic contractor package (ZIP 4KB)

Last updated April 2016

DynaNet import package

DynaNet is a network adjustment programme created by Geoscience Australia. This package allows Dynanet XML files (Dynanet output files) to be imported to SNAP format files.

Dynanet import package (ZIP 8KB)

Last updated April 2016

AUSGeoid09 package

AUSGeoid09 installs geoid files for the Australian Geoid 2009 (AUSGeoid V1.01). This allows SNAP users to calculate geoid heights in Australia.

AUSGeoid09 package (ZIP 3.5MB)

Last updated 4 October 2019

NewGan import package

NewGan is a network adjustment programme created by Canadian Geodetic Survey. This package allows NewGan files to be imported into SNAP format files. (Note: this is beta software which has only received limited testing.)

NewGan import package (ZIP 19KB)

Last updated November 2016