NZGB notices – February 2025

Assigned, altered, validated, discontinued, amended and corrected geographic feature names.

Gazetted on 27 February 2025

Notice of Final Determinations to Assign Geographic Names


Official Geographic NameGeographic Feature Type and Description
Aratika ReefA fully submerged reef between Bird Island and Forsyth Island / Te Paruparu in the Marlborough Sounds at -40.99043 latitude, 174.04604 longitude. Assigned as official.
RukuwaiA small stream rising from springs west of Te Kauwhata and flowing for approximately 2.4km into the southeast corner of Whangamarino Wetland. NZTopo50-BC33 880578 to BC33 896591. Assigned as official.

Notice of Final Determinations on Assigning, Altering, and Discontinuing Official Antarctic Geographic Names

Schedule 1 – Assigned Names (2)

Official Assigned Antarctic Geographic NameGeographic Feature TypeCoordinates (latitude, longitude)
Grunow PeakPeak-86.46871-159.24991
Vanda StationHistoric Site-77.52688161.67658

Schedule 2 – Altered Names (4)

Official Altered Antarctic Geographic NameGeographic feature type and authority

Coordinates (latitude, longitude)

Commonwealth StreamStream,  New Zealand Gazette 11 May 2012, No. 53, page 1477. Position altered from -77.589684 latitude 163.458998 longitude (name reapplied to different feature).-77.56393163.428
Ibarra PeakPeak,  New Zealand Gazette 22 June 2017, Notice No. 2017-ln3098.  Position altered from -77.968590 latitude 163.008750 longitude (name reapplied to different feature).-77.96793163.04615
Mount DormanMountain, Second Supplement to the Provisional Gazetteer of the Ross Dependency 1963 & Sections 35(1)(a) & 35(2) of the New Zealand Geographic Board Act 2008. Position altered from -84.366667 latitude 166.000000 longitude (name reapplied to different feature).-84.35801166.11105
Todd PeakPeak, Fourth Supplement to the Provisional Gazetteer of the Ross Dependency 1965 & Sections 35(1)(a) & 35(2) of the New Zealand Geographic Board Act 2008. Altered from Todd Hill and position altered from -77.516667 latitude 169.316667 longitude (name reapplied to different feature).-77.51676169.18894

Schedule 3 – Discontinued Name (1)

Discontinued Antarctic Geographic NameGeographic feature type and former authority

Coordinates (latitude, longitude)

Black BluffBluff,  New Zealand Gazette 11 May 2012, No. 53, page 1477-73.283333168.916667

Validation Notice of Antarctic Names

Validated Official Antarctic NameGeographic feature type and former authorityCoordinates (latitude, longitude)
Cape ConstanceCape-73.262199169.023449
Eastern ConeCone-77.51935167.22477
Solo AnchorageAnchorage-67.57499164.86639

Amendments–New Zealand Geographic Board Ngā Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa - Amendments to Official Antarctic Geographic Names

Schedule 1

New Zealand Gazette, 10 May 2001, No. 48, page 1094 - Notice of Final Decision to Assign Place Names in the Ross Dependency Area, Antarctica

Official Antarctic name (1)Corrected/improved coordinates
Tramway Ridge“-77.51812 167.12072”

Schedule 2

New Zealand Gazette, 24 October 2002, No. 158, page 4006 - Notice of Final Decision to Assign Place Names in the Ross Sea Region, Antarctica

Official Antarctic name (1)Corrected/improved coordinates
Lake Chapman“-77.005425 162.413183”

Schedule 3

New Zealand Gazette, 29 May 2009, No. 77, page 1803 - Notice of Valid Antarctic Names

Official Antarctic name (8)Corrected/improved coordinates
Bull Island“-71.97821 171.092”
Carter Ridge“-72.6187 168.61137”
Dickson Pillar“-71.902259 171.19203”
Kemp Rock“-71.973508 171.099499”
Kristensen Rocks“-71.913095 171.176339”
Navajo Butte“-77.97513 162.01829”
Sandy Glacier“-77.47343 161.97173”
St Marie Peak“-71.94581 171.08862”

Schedule 4

New Zealand Gazette, 11 May 2012, No. 53, page 1477 - Notice of Valid Antarctic Names

Official Antarctic name (4)Corrected/improved coordinates and/or corrected feature type
Cambrian Bluff“-82.41491 160.54269”

“-77.55 161.266667”


correct “Flat” to “Mesa”

Lizards Foot“-77.20679 162.9339”
Ventifact Knobs“-77.685147 162.60067”

Corrigenda – New Zealand Geographic Board Ngā Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa

Notice headingGazette ReferenceAction
Notice of Valid Antarctic NamesNew Zealand Gazette, 29 May 2009, No. 77, page 1803Replace “Ridgeway Glacier” with “Ridgway Glacier”
Notice of Valid Antarctic NamesNew Zealand Gazette, 11 May 2012, No. 53, page 1477Replace “Heftyes Island” with “Heftye Island”