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Approved cadastral survey dataset examples

An index of approved cadastral survey datasets (CSDs) that reflect a range of different situations and survey purposes.

The CSDs are examples of plans approved under the Cadastral Survey Rules 2021 in terms of the category listed, but they are not necessarily examples of best practice.

The categories are based on purpose or specific boundary attributes.

More examples may be added over time. Please provide feedback to

The categories are listed below with their drop-down list of CSD numbers. A brief description for each category is provided, with links to some relevant articles from the Cadastral Survey Guidelines.

If you cannot find an LT number in Landonline it may have deposited, so try searching for it as a DP number.

LT Subdivision CSDs (class A or B)
Non Primary Parcel Only CSDs (class A or B)
Class C boundaries
Class D boundaries
Boundary Conflict – Boundary recalculations outside of tolerance
Ground Movement - Canterbury Earthquake CSDs
Ground Movement – outside greater Christchurch

CSDs with ground movement outside greater Christchurch (not under the Canterbury Property Boundaries and Related Matters Act 2016).

Refer to:

Height-limited Boundary - Primary Parcel
Height-limited Boundary - Non-Primary Parcel
Water, Water centre-line and Irregular Boundaries - Adopted without difference to the original definition
Water, Water centre-line and Irregular Boundaries - Accepted boundaries
Irregular line converted to right-lines
Water Boundary – New or Better Fix
Water Boundary - Accretion not Claimed and/or Erosion
Avulsion, Artificial Diversion or Reclamation
Water Boundary - Tidal Water, and the Marine and Coastal Area Act (MACAA)
Water Boundary - Accretion Being Claimed
Dry River Bed Claims (AMF)

CSDs where an application for dry bed is being claimed under the presumption of usque ad medium filum aquae (AMF).

Refer to:

Adverse Possession CSDs
Crown Subdivision CSDs

CSDs prepared to define subdivisions of Crown-owned land not held under the Land Transfer Act.

Refer to:

Diagram on Transfer CSDs
Flat Plan/Cross Lease CSDs
Hawke’s Bay Interim Title CSDs
Legalisation CSDs
Limited Title CSDs 
Māori Land CSDs
Simple Boundary Reinstatement CSDs
Complex Boundary Reinstatement CSDs

CSDs prepared to record a boundary mark placed on a cadastral boundary defined in an approved CSD where a complex boundary reinstatement survey is required (rule 114(2)).

Survey Information CSDs

CSDs used to record new or existing non-boundary marks or to record new or adopted survey information.

Unit Title - Standard (Including Multi-level)
Unit Title - Staged Developments
Unit Title – Redevelopment

CSDs used to depict an amendment to one or more developed units, or the common property, on a deposited unit plan for a completed unit title development or a completed stage of a stage unit development, and that does not add or remove land from the base land.

Refer to:

Unit Title – Substitution

CSDs prepared to replace an existing unit plan, where the extents of the common property are being changed by adding land to or removing land from the base land.

Refer to:

Unit Title – Subsidiary

CSDs used to depict a subdivision of an existing principal unit and any associated accessory units, into new principal units with their associated accessory units and common property (if any).

Refer to:


Last updated