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Information on the implementation of the Cadastral Survey Rules 2021.

Cadastral Survey Rules 2021

The Cadastral Survey Rules are issued by the Surveyor-General under section 49 of the Cadastral Survey Act 2002.

The Rules are directed at cadastral surveyors and provide requirements that surveyors must meet when carrying out and then lodging a cadastral survey dataset with us for integration into the cadastre. These surveys form the basis of the national cadastre and support various tenure systems including the land transfer system.

You can access the Cadastral Survey Rules 2021 on the NZ Legislation website.

Cadastral Survey Rules 2021

Cadastral Survey Amendment Rules 2023

The Cadastral Survey Amendment Rules 2023 were gazetted on 27 November 2023 with effect from 1 July 2024. Cadastral Survey Amendment Rules 2023 have removed the 13 local vertical datums from Schedule 5 and from 1 July 2024 NZVD2016 is the only official vertical datum acceptable.

You can access the Cadastral Survey Amendment Rules 2023 on the NZ Legislation website.

Cadastral Survey Amendment Rules 2023

The amendments have now been incorporated into the Cadastral Survey Rules 2021.

CSR 2021 Guidance

Guidance to support surveyors undertaking cadastral surveys and preparing CSDs has been prepared to create a one-stop shop of information.

Cadastral Survey Guidelines

A comprehensive document to assist surveyors transitioning from RCS 2010 to CSR 2021 has been developed. The document identifies the key changes to the RCS 2010 that will be implemented in the CSR 2021. The changes have been split into three categories, field, office, and boundary reinstatements. It also describes the work that would be required to convert a CSD in terms of the RCS 2010 to CSR 2021.

An up-to-date Landonline pre-validation report explanation specifically for the new business rules created to support CSR 2021 is also available.

For a detailed summary of all changes see the Landonline release notes and Known issues for surveyors pages:

Landonline release notes

Known issues for e-survey

Lodgement Standard

The Standard for lodgement of cadastral survey datasets (Lodgement Standard) sets the minimum requirements of cadastral survey datasets (CSDs) when lodging them through Landonline.  It is a standard of the Chief Executive of Toitū Te Whenua LINZ and partners the standard set by the Surveyor-General, which is currently the Cadastral Survey Rules 2021.

Standard for lodgement of cadastral survey datasets 

The Lodgement Standard will be reviewed to reflect changes brought about by the Cadastral Survey Rules 2021 (CSR 2021) after a bedding-in period for the Rules and improvements to Landonline.  Until the new standard comes into force, the existing Lodgement Standard will continue to apply.  A guidance article has been created to provide an explanation of the general impact of the CSR 2021 and some items of detail.

Lodgement Standard


Training video: Feb 2022 - How to convert a Rules for Cadastral Survey 2010 CSD to the Cadastral Survey Rules 2021

This training video was prepared using Legacy Landonline capture. The look will differ from New Landonline, but it still records the process to follow to convey any datasets you may have remaining in terms of the Rules for Cadastral Survey 2010.

Information for lawyers

The Cadastral Survey Rules 2021 have made changes to survey capture and terminology which will be referred to progressively from September 2021, once the Rules come into effect. This factsheet outlines the changes that will be most relevant to lawyers.

Last updated

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