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You are viewing guidance that refers to, or is for Legacy Landonline.

Balance roads

Use the following process to create a hydro or balance road parcel.

Step by step

Step one

  • In the Manage Survey Transaction screen, select Capture Dataset (top right-hand side).
  • This takes you to the Capture Screen. Select Capture from the top menu row and then Parcel Capture from the resulting drop-down menu.
  • From the now displayed Survey Capture screen, select ‘Add’ from the right-hand side menu. This brings up the Parcel Detail screen.

Step two

  • In the Parcel Detail screen, select the required fields of:
    ‘Action’ = ‘Created’
    ‘Parcel Intent’ = ‘Hydro’ or ‘Road’
    ‘Topology Class’ = ‘Primary’
    ‘Area (ha)’ = ‘blank’
    ‘Appellation Format’ = ‘General’.

Step three

  • Uncheck the Title and Survey checkboxes.
  • Do not touch the remaining Appellation fields. Leave the Plan Type and Plan Number entry populated with the new plan number
  • Select ‘OK’ - A warning message displays advising Title and Survey are not checked and appellation details will not be saved.
  • Select ‘OK’ to continue and save the parcel.

Step four

  • Landonline will allocate the CSC Parcel number automatically once you’ve selected the ‘OK’ button.

The above process creates the parcel details. To find out how to capture the boundaries of the hydro or balance road parcels, see ‘Processing balance parcels’ below.

Processing balance parcels

Use this process during survey capture to deal with the balance of a parcel that does not need to be dimensioned but must be created in order to keep the database topology correct (i.e. vectors don't need to be captured).

Example: A road legalisation stops part of a road. At survey capture, the whole road parcel is extinguished in the survey. New sections will be created to stop part of the road. The remainder of the existing road parcel must be dealt with as a balance parcel and called ‘Road’ to keep the cadastral database up to date.

You can process a balance parcel automatically or manually.

Automatic processing

Automatic processing is ideal for large balance parcels as the system selects the lines for you. There are two automatic methods available from within the Landonline application (search for Processing balance parcels from within Landonline Help and follow the links with the headings given below)

  • Selecting existing boundary lines or
  • Adopting existing boundary definitions.

Manual processing

Manual processing is ideal for creating small balance parcels. There are two manual methods (search for Processing balance parcels from within Landonline Help and follow the links with the headings given below)

  • Processing balance parcel using underlying parcel boundary lines or
  • Processing balance parcel using underlying vectors.
Last updated