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Viewing existing marks in spatial view

How to filter the marks displayed on the spatial view using the Layers menu in the Tools control toolbar.

Step 1: Open the Layers panel.

Left click on the Layers icon in the toolbar to open the Layers panel.

Layers panel in the Survey app. 1 is the third icon down in the toolbar. 2 is the marks toggle which is third down the panel and 3 is the arrow to the right of the marks toggle.

The screenshot above shows:

  1. The Layers icon in the toolbar.
  2. The Marks toggle in the Layers panel.
  3. The down arrow to the right of the Marks toggle.

Step 2: Turn marks on.

Left click on the Marks toggle to turn marks on.

Step 3: Expand the layer tree.

Left click on the down arrow to the right of Marks to expand the layer tree. A layer tree is a hidden group of options.

Step 4: Expand the mark filter trees.

Left click on the down arrows to the left of Captured marks and Underlying marks to expand the mark filter trees.

Layers panel in the Survey app. The arrow beside 'Captured marks' and the arrow beside 'Underlying marks' are highlighted.

Step 5: Display the Underlying marks

The Captured marks are automatically displayed in the spatial view, but the Underlying marks are not displayed by default.

To view the Underlying marks, select the switch icon to the right of Underlying marks to display the existing marks on the spatial view.

Layers panel in the Survey app. The toggle beside 'Underlying marks' is highlighted.

Step 6: Filter the displayed marks

Uncheck the checkboxes to the right of the displayed marks to filter them as required.

The existing marks will be displayed on the spatial view as orange circles. You can use the Inspect and adopt tool to select the existing marks and view specific details about the existing marks.

Example 1 – filtering horizontal order

For example: to display all existing marks which have a horizontal order between 0 and 5 in spatial view, you can:

First left click the down arrow to the left of Horizontal order

Layers panel in the Survey app. The arrow beside 'Horizontal order' is highlighted, which sits below 'Underlying marks'

Then uncheck the checkboxes for Order 6 to 12 and Horizontal order not defined. Or you could uncheck the checkbox to the right of Horizontal order to deselect all the order checkboxes and then select the checkboxes from Order 0 to Order 5.

Layer panel in the Survey app. The tickboxes beside 'Order 6' to 'Horizontal order not defined' are highlighted.

Example 2 – filtering vertical order

To view existing vertical marks with a NZVD2016 level which are Order 1V, 2V or 3V:

  • Ensure all horizontal orders are selected. If all horizontal orders are deselected, no marks will be displayed in the spatial view even if the Vertical orders are selected.
  • Select NZVD2016 from the dropdown menu to the right of Vertical order.
Layers panel in the Survey app. The dropdown box beside 'Vertical order' is highlighted.
  • Uncheck all the checkboxes from Orders 4V to 6V and Vertical order not defined.
Layers panel in the Survey app. The tickboxes for 'Order 4V' to 'Vertical order not defined' beneath 'Vertical order' are unticked.
  • You may then need to zoom out to locate the vertical marks closest to your surveyed site. You can then use the Inspect and adopt tool to interrogate the visible vertical marks.
  • To reset the filter to display marks of all vertical orders, including those where the vertical order is not defined, you can check the checkbox to the right of NZVD2016.
Layers panel in the Survey app. The tickbox beside 'Vertical order' is unticked.
Last updated