Summer services update
Information Summer services update

Our offices and services will have reduced availability over the holiday period.  Read more about our holiday hours and services availability.

Spatial view interactions

To provide maximum space to work on spatial view, there are a range of options which can be accessed using a combination of your keyboard and your mouse.

Spatial view will contain all the data that exists in the survey – marks, vectors, irregular lines and parcels – and the control bars on the left and right of the page to work on your survey.

As you work through your survey, your work will auto-save.

Context menus

You can right click anywhere on spatial view to bring up a context menu with various options. The options you see will vary depending on where you click, and what you have selected.

  1. If you right-mouse click on spatial view without having selected any features, you will see the following options.

    Screenshot of common right mouse options in spatial view
  2. If you select a linked mark, and then right-mouse click on it, you will see these options.

    Screenshot of right mouse click in spatial view menu options
  3. If you select an unlinked mark and then right mouse click on it, you will see these options.

    Screenshot of right mouse click in spatial view unlinked mark menu options
  4. If you select a vector or line, and then right mouse click on one of the lines/vectors, you will see these options.

    Screenshot of right mouse click options in spatial view delete vector or line
  5. Right clicking anywhere in spatial view always gives you the options to:
    • Merge irregular lines
    • Add/remove existing parcels
    • Add survey reference here
  6. Selecting a provisional survey reference gives you the option to delete it.

    Screenshot of deleting a provisional survey reference
  7. If you have any features selected in spatial view, you will always see the option to Deselect features.

    Screenshot of right mouse options in spatial view deselect features

Right click a boundary line

When one or more vectors or boundary lines is selected, right clicking on a boundary line that is not already selected will deselect the previously selected vectors and boundary lines and select the corresponding vector and boundary line instead.

Right clicking on a boundary line that is already selected will bring up a context menu that provides options for all the selected vectors and boundary lines.

  1. The first screenshot shows the following features selected:
    • Two vectors.
    • One boundary line/vector.
    • One parcel.
    • Two marks. 

      Screenshot of features selected in spatial view
  2. When you have features selected but don’t right click on any of them, the context menu will give you the option to deselect the features that are currently selected.

    Screenshot of right click elsewhere on spatial view
  3. When you right click on a non-selected boundary line/vector, any other selected vectors or boundary lines are automatically deselected and the context menu will give you options to delete the selected vector or boundary line.

    Screenshot of selecting a non selected boundary line
  4. When you right click on a selected boundary line the context menu gives you the option to delete either all the selected vectors, or the selected boundary line.

    Screenshot of right clicking on a selected boundary line
  5. If you right click on one of the selected vectors, the context menu will give you the option to delete all the selected vectors.

    Screenshot of right clicking on a selected vector

Zooming in to an area in spatial view

You have two ways of zooming in to an area in spatial view.

Use your Shift key and mouse

Hold down the Shift key on your keyboard and then click and drag your mouse to draw a rectangle around the area in spatial view you want to zoom in on.

When you release your mouse, spatial view will zoom to the area you have drawn.

Screenshot of use shift key plus mouse to zoom

Use the scroll wheel on the mouse

Place your mouse cursor over the area you want to zoom in to and use the scroll wheel on the mouse to either zoom in or out.

Screenshot of using the scroll wheel on the mouse to zoom in
Last updated