About Order for New Certificate of Title (OCTN)

Features of the OCTN screen in Landonline - Dealings.

Below you'll find a description of features of the Order for New Certificate of Title (OCTN) screen, with screenshots.

Features of the OCTN screen

Features of screen.

a. Assigned title. Landonline will pre-populate any legal descriptions entered in the LT plan at the time the plan was linked to the dealing. If blank you'll need to manually enter this information.

b. Registered owners. Landonline will pre-populate the registered owner information if the head titles are in common ownership. Otherwise, select from the list of head title owners, or in the case of vesting, add details of a new owner.

c. Legal description. Landonline will pre-populate any legal descriptions entered in the LT plan at the time the plan was linked to the dealing. If blank you will need to manually enter this information.

d. Purpose. If the new title is to be held for a specific purpose, such as a nature reserve, you'll need to select a purpose from the drop-down menu.

e. Secondary purpose. If the main purpose is for Local Purpose Reserve the Secondary purpose column will appear. Type in the secondary purpose, if relevant.

f. Copy information. Hover over the bottom right-hand corner of a cell and select the blue square. Drag down to copy the information from that cell into the cells below. This works for the Registered Owner, Legal Description and Purpose fields.

g. Revert/update. Select to undo changes and return the details to their original state.

h. Generate new title. Select to generate new pre-allocated title references for the instrument.

Example of features.

i. Gazette or other Ref number. Use to enter a reference or Gazette number when there is no head title.

j. Additional Clauses, Conditions or Intent. Use to enter more details to be recorded on the OCTN.

k. Add consent (s). Use to attach PDFs of consent documents, such as a mortgagee's consent.

l. Preview instrument. Select to open the instrument preview.

m. Save or Save & back. Select Save to save the page. Select Save & back to save the page and return to the Instrument & Roles page.

Last updated