Summer services update
Information Summer services update

Our offices and services will have reduced availability over the holiday period.  Read more about our holiday hours and services availability.

You are viewing guidance that refers to, or is for Legacy Landonline.

Enabling Landonline to run with your browser

Access to Landonline requires the download of a configuration file called launch.ica, however the default Internet settings in Windows may prevent this. The following steps will change the default settings to permit access to Landonline.


Before you begin, you may want to print this page for reference.

How to enable Landonline to run with your browser

Purpose: Change Windows' trusted sites and file download settings in order to permit logging on to Landonline


 If any of these steps are unable to be completed due to buttons or fields being 'greyed out', it is likely there are network security policies in place on your system

We recommend you speak to your IT support staff or service provider to complete the implementation of these steps

  1. Open the Control Panel in Windows and select ‘Internet Options’ 
  2. In the ‘Internet Properties’ window that pops up, click on  the Security tab (see image below). 
    Finding site in Internet Options
  3. Under Add this website to the zone ensure that "" is entered
    1. Click Add
    2. Click Close
      Internet options window with Trusted sites highlighted
  4. Ensure that Trusted sites is still selected
    1. Click Custom level (circled below)
      Click Custom Level, circled in image
  5. If you are using Internet Explorer 7 and 8 you will need to perform this additional step. This option does not exist in Internet Explorer 9 or later.
    1. In the Security Settings window, scroll down to Automatic prompting for file downloads
    2. Click Enable (as shown circled below)
    3. Click OK
      Click Enable, as shown circled
  6. Click OK
    1. Close all instances of Internet Explorer to ensure the change takes effect.
      OK button highlighted in Internet Options window

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