Summer services update
Information Summer services update

Our offices and services will have reduced availability over the holiday period.  Read more about our holiday hours and services availability.

Survey-accurate digital cadastre (SDC) status

Survey-accurate digital cadastre (SDC) status marks in Landonline meet the accuracy standards in relation to the digital position of the marks that surround it.

The digital cadastre is produced and maintained by Toitū Te Whenua and is a component of datasets in Landonline and the LINZ Data Service, and some managed by third parties. The marks layer provides a visual representation of survey marks which have been defined by approved land transfer and survey plans lodged with Toitū Te Whenua.

Survey-accurate digital cadastre (SDC) status is given to a node (mark) in Landonline if it is determined to be accurate in relation to the datum and those nodes around it. SDC status indicates that the coordinates comply with the accuracy standards of the Rules for Cadastral Survey.

SDC status marks

SDC status marks can be viewed in the Landonline spatial view by selecting and applying the layer:

Marks > NZGD2000 > NZGD2000-SDC.

The SDC status also supports several semi-automatic validation checks within Landonline. For instance, one of the least-squares validation adjustments of a new survey holds SDC nodes as fixed points to assess how well the observations agree with the existing record.

Accuracy of the digital cadastre

Expected accuracy of SDC marks
Accuracy statusLand use95% accuracy1Landonline accuracy order2
Survey-accurate (bearings and distance captured from survey plans)Urban    0.207
Non survey-accurate (digitisation of cadastral record maps) Urban    59 or 10
Remote rural10011 or 12


  1. 95% of boundary points are more accurate than this value.
  2. A number between 7 (most accurate) and 12 (least accurate) indicating the accuracy of boundary coordinates in Landonline.
  3. In the digital cadastre, a rural area is one where coordinates are mostly order 10, and a remote rural area is one where coordinates are mostly order 11 or 12.
Last updated