How to access the downloads
Click the location you wish to download data for. You will be taken to a download page for that monitoring site. Select the folder of the year you want to retrieve data from. There will be a separate zipped data file for each day, with readings at one minute intervals.
A read me file is available at the download page for each site. This file provides information about the site and describes the format of the data. There are also two image files available at the download page for each site. One is a map showing the exact location of the monitoring site, and the other is an image of the monitoring site in its environment.
Note: the read me file details for certain site data are currently incomplete. Some of the site images are also currently unavailable. The affected read me files and images will be updated as the information comes to hand.
List of site locations
- Auckland
- Boat Cove, Raoul Island
- Cape Roberts, Antarctica
- Castlepoint
- Charleston
- Fishing Rock, Raoul Island
- Gisborne
- Kaikoura
- Korotiti Bay, Great Barrier Island
- Lottin Point
- Manukau
- Napier
- New Brighton Pier
- North Cape
- Owenga, Chatham Islands
- Port Chalmers
- Puysegur
- Scott Base, Antarctica
- Sumner
- Tauranga

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