The topographic data available through the LINZ Data Service is sourced directly from the LINZ Topographic database. This is also used in the production of the 1:50,000 scale Topo50 map series, as well as the Topo250 and Topo500 series maps.
The LINZ Data Service provides access to the most up-to-date Topo50, Topo250 and Topo500 map information we release. This is available in both digital image (map) and data formats.
For more information see:
- the LINZ Data Service metadata (provided through the service) for a description of the topographic data layers
- the About topographic data page
- the NZTopo Data Dictionary, which includes a data documentation guide and a dictionary describing objects in the NZTopo database.
Sheet-based raster and vector downloads
Use the choose a map tool to download individual raster images and vector data for each of the 1:50,000 and 1:250,000 scale topographic map sheets.
For bulk download of raster images contact the Topography team.