Production issues for Dealings

Information on production issues for New Landonline - Dealings.

Blocked from preparing a transfer of a Life Estate which is also issuing a new title

March 2025

Currently, you can’t prepare a transfer for a Life Estate Title where you’re also trying to issue a new title. This is because the current system validations are checking whether the owners between the existing title and new title are the same. As the new title will not match the existing title’s owners, the application blocks the prepare page. We’re working on a fix for this. In the meantime, if you experience this issue, please reach out to our Customer Support team for guidance on how to proceed. 

LT Plan becoming unlinked from dealing

March 2025

There’s an issue when linking a LT plan to your dealing, in that it can become unlinked. After preparing the dealing instruments (before certifying and signing) check that the LT Plan is still linked to your dealing. If not, re-add the plan reference via the Edit reference details box. 

Check the LT plan is still linked

OCTN: legal description issue

March 2025

When entering a legal description for an Order for New Certificate of Title (OCTN) instrument that affects multiple lots, there’s an issue when multiple commas are used. The instrument preview may exclude some of the legal description. For example: if you entered Lot 2, 8, ¼ share of Lot 5 Deposited Plan 234790, the instrument preview may incorrectly display this as Lots 2, 8 Deposited Plan 234790. Make sure you always check the instrument preview before progressing a dealing to avoid requisitions.

If your instrument preview doesn’t match what you entered in the OCTN, replace additional commas with ‘and,’ ‘&’ or by adding ‘Lot’ before the next number after a comma (Lot 2, 8 and ¼ share of Lot 5 Deposited Plan 234790, or Lot 2, 8 & ¼ share of Lot 5 Deposited Plan 234790, or Lot 2, Lot 8, ¼ share of Lot 5 Deposited Plan 234790). 

Tax Statements – PC access issue where the PC and CP are from different firms

February 2025

If you have a Primary Contact (PC) and a Conveyancing Professional (CP) from different firms representing the same role, the PC is not able to open or edit the tax statements, even though they are party to the instrument. For example, PC from Firm A and CP from Firm B are the Transferor representatives – the PC, or any user from Firm A, cannot access Tax statements. Until this issue is resolved, the CP (or someone in their firm) will need to prepare the tax statements. 

Variation of Mortgage can’t be saved without ‘Change with effect from’ date

February 2025

When preparing a Variation of Mortgage (VM) instrument, you cannot save the page until a date is entered in the Change with effect from field. Until this issue has been resolved, we suggest entering the ‘settlement date’ into the Change with effect from field.

Submit issue when submitting without entering Primary Contact (PC) details

January 2025

If you submit a dealing without entering the role details for all the Primary Contacts (PCs) against all instruments, your dealing will be queued. If you experience this, please contact Customer Support on 0800 665 463. We are working on adding a validation to stop you submitting a dealing without all instrument role details entered.

NoC and PRNoC issue when instrument affects a large number of titles

December 2024

There is an issue when preparing a Notice of Change (NoC) or Post-registration Notice of Change (PRNoC) for an instrument which affects a large number of titles. In this situation, you may receive an error message when trying to create a new PRNoC, or some of the information may not load or be able to be saved when preparing a NoC. If you experience this issue, please prepare a manual sales notice and forward this to the affected territorial authorities.

OCTN Legacy Landonline 284 SQL - database error

November 2024

You may get a Legacy Landonline 284 SQL ‘database error’ message when tyring to edit an OCTN after it has been prepared in New Landonline. This happens after specific steps have been taken in preparing the OCTN as follows:

  1. Create OCTN and prepare in New Landonline Dealings.
  2. Add or remove an affected title for the OCTN in New Landonline Dealings.
  3. Make some changes to the Prepare OCTN screen in New Landonline Dealings, such as modifying a legal description or owner name.
  4. Open the OCTN Prepare screen in Legacy and make further changes.
  5. On save in Legacy Landonline, the SQL error will trigger. 

Workaround is to continue preparing and making changes to the OCTN in New Landonline only.

Discharge instruments: banner warning showing incorrectly

August 2024

When preparing a discharge instrument that contains no interest holder details, a warning banner will appear: 

There appears to be no Encumbrancee information for instrument [no]. Contact LINZ Customer Support

When dealing with a discharge of an image-only instrument, you can ignore the banner and manually enter in the interest holder’s name. We are working on removing the banner for circumstances in which is does not apply.

Screenshot showing Error message noted above

Memorandum number blank in New Landonline when previously entered in Legacy Landonline

May 2024

There is an issue when a mortgage is prepared in Legacy Landonline and the details have been manually entered (typed in, rather than using the lookup fields) and then that mortgage is opened in New Landonline, the memorandum number field is blank. 

If you experience this issue, you can delete the mortgagee name in New Landonline, then re-add it using the lookup field. This will then let you add the memorandum number that it linked to that mortgagee. Save these changes.

If instrument has already been signed by 1 role, it will have to be reverted to draft and remedied in New Landonline and then re-signed for both roles.

To avoid this issue, if preparing a mortgage in Legacy Landonline, you should use the lender quick codes or the mortgagee dropdown selection function to add the mortgagee rather than manually typing in these details.

Issue creating a PRNoC for a cancelled title

October 2023

You may not be able to create a post-registration Notice of Change (PRNoC) if the affected title has subsequently been cancelled. This is being investigated but in the meantime if you experience this, you’ll need to manually update the impacted council of the change.

Ex-colleagues work still showing in Firm Dealings tab

August 2023

There is an issue where the Firm Dealings tab in New Landonline may show the names and any unfinished dealings for colleagues who’ve since left your firm. 

If you experience this, either reassign the dealing to someone in your firm or delete the dealing and the ex-colleague will be removed from the Firm Dealings tab.

If the user has no dealings associated to them and is still displaying in the Firm Dealings list, reach out to our Contact Centre for further support.

Last updated