Correct a previously submitted NoC (CNoC)

If required, parties in a dealing can correct a previously submitted Notice of Change (NoC).

You cannot search for a Notice ID to correct a NoC until the following day after the dealing is registered (as NoCs are batched and sent overnight to the relevant TA). 


  • You will only be able to select and correct a NoC that your firm is already associated with.
  • You will not edit the original NoC. Instead, a new NoC will be created that duplicates the information from the previously submitted version.
    • A new Notice ID is allocated.
  • You cannot save the content of a corrected version – you will need to make the correction and immediately submit the NoC.
    • Note that Landonline will not save your information if you navigate away from the NoC.
  • For a Correction, the notice type will display at the top of the form ‘Correction to a Notice of Change’.

What to do

  1. On the Landing page, select the Supplementary Actions tab.
Landing page with the Supplementary Actions tab and the Notice ID search bar highlighted
  1. A Search field will appear for you to enter an instrument number or the Notice ID of the previously submitted NoC.
  2. Search for the NoC that you want to correct.
Notice of Change page showing a Notice of Change Notice ID search result
  • Notice ID – Enter the previously submitted NoC (this will identify the right NoC for you to correct). There is 6 character minimum.
  • Instrument number – Enter a minimum of 7 characters to bring up a list of NoCs to choose from. Note that you will only be able to select an NoC that your firm is already associated with.
  1. Select the relevant NoC.
    • The NoC will display, ready for you to edit the details. 
  2. Prepare the Notice of Change form.


  • For CNoC the status ‘Correction to a Notice of Change’ will display at the top of the form
  • Landonline will not save your information if you navigate away from the NoC
  • When completed, select Send to submit this CNoC to the TA.