Summer services update
Information Summer services update

Our offices and services will have reduced availability over the holiday period.  Read more about our holiday hours and services availability.

Create a NoC post registration (PRNoC)

A post-registration Notice of Change (PRNoC) can be prepared after a dealing has been registered.


  • You cannot save the content of this PRNoC – you will need to create the NoC and immediately submit it.
  • While you are preparing the NoC post-registration, note that Landonline will not save your information if you navigate away from the NoC.
  • For a post-registration NoC, the notice type will display at the top of the form ‘Post Registration Notice of Change’.

What to do

  1. On the Landing page, select the Supplementary Actions tab. 
  2. A Notice of Change section will display with a Search field to enter an instrument number.
    Landing page with the Supplementary Actions tab and the Notice ID search bar highlighted
  3. Enter the instrument number of the previously submitted dealing.
    Notice of Change page showing a Notice of Change Notice ID search result
    • Enter a minimum of 7 characters to bring up a list of instruments to choose from. 
    • Only instruments that require a NoC will display.
  4. Select the relevant instrument.
    • The NoC will display, ready for you to edit the details. 
  5. Prepare the Notice of Change form.


  • For a PRNoC, the status ‘Post registration Notice of Change’ will display at the top of the form.
  • Landonline will not save your information if you navigate away from the NoC.
  • When completed, select Send to submit this PRNoC to the TA.