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Create and send a TA certification request

You can create packages of certificates for the TA certification for your survey.

What to do 

  1. Select the TA Certification icon on the Workflow control bar.
    Workflow control bar with 'TA' icon highlighted (scroll with quill)
    • You can also click the three-dot icon on the My Work page and select Create TA request from the dropdown list. 
      'Create TA request' option in dropdown list
  2. The Certification requests panel displays.
    Screenshot TA certifications key features
    Key features of the panel, and data to enter include: 
    • Status – the status of the request is shown next to the heading, as well as on the My work page. 
    • Territorial authority – if a territorial authority is set in the Survey Details, this field will automatically be populated. Otherwise type in the relevant TA or use the dropdown to select the relevant territorial authority.  
    • TA reference – add a reference for the survey, which can be used in all your interactions with the TA.  This will usually be a Resource Consent reference, or similar, issued by the TA.
    • Delete territorial authority – select the three-dot menu to bring up the dropdown list and select Delete territorial authority
    • Delete request – select the three-dot menu to bring up the dropdown list and select Delete request
    • Add an additional TA – use the field at the bottom of the panel to select an additional TA and create another certification request. You would use this, for example, if the survey is on the boundary of two TAs. 
  3. Select + Create a new package to add a package for the certification request.
    Screenshot of TA certification create new package
    • Note that you can add multiple packages by selecting the + Create a new package at the bottom of the panel. 
  4. When you select + Create a new package  a new package heading will appear at the bottom of the panel.
    Request certifications from territorial authority panel
    Key features include: 
    • Package heading – a number will appear as Package 1, Package 2, and so on, to allow multiple packages to be identified. 
    • Status – the status of the request is displayed next to the Package heading. 
    • Delete package – select the three-dot menu to bring up the dropdown list, and select Delete package
  5. Select Add or Remove Certificates under the Certificate heading.
    Certificate column with 'Add or Remove Certificates' link highlighted
    The Add certificates panel displays, with a list of certification options.
    • Use the scroll bar on the right of the certificates to navigate the full list of certificates available.  
    • Select/deselect the checkboxes to the left of each certificate to add/remove a certificate
    • Use the blue arrow icon to the right of each certificate to expand the details of the certificate. 
    • Use the blue X icon on the top right of the panel to close the panel. 
      Screenshot of Add certificates panel with tickbox on the left and blue expand arrow on the right highlighted
    • Some certificates allow you to duplicate them. For those that can be duplicated, you will see a duplicate icon next to the expand icon. Select the duplicate icon to duplicate the certificate. 
      Local Government Act 1974 heading with duplicate icons on the right
  6. As you select a certificate, the details are summarised and you are able to preview and re-order its position in the package. 
    • Certificate – view the number of the certificate, and its status. 
    • Preview – view the wording of the certificate.
    • Order - change the order of a certificate by hovering over the arrows at the end of the certificate row and selecting the up or down arrow.
Package 1 heading, with Certificate and Preview columns highlighted
  1. Select Add or remove certificates to review and edit the information. Note: you can review and edit a TA certification until the survey is submitted. 
    Package 1 screen with 'Add or Remove Certificates' link highlighted
  2. To send the request, select the blue paper airplane icon on the right of the TA reference field. 
    Request certifications from territorial authority panel with paper airplane send icon highlighted
    • An information panel will appear with a pre-send check.
      Screenshot of send a TA request
  3. Select Send request (or Cancel, if required). 
    Screenshot of send TA request button selected
  4. A pop-up message will appear with the option to Extract LandXML.
    Screenshot of TA cert extract landxml file
    • If you select Extract LandXML, the file will be saved to your computer/devices downloads folder.
  5. Icons indicating the current status of a TA request are displayed in the My Work page, at the end/right-hand side of the dataset row:
    • page with wings = request created
      Screenshot of TA certifications request created
    • arrow = request pending
      Screenshot of TA certifications request pending
    •  tick in circle = under action
      Screenshot of TA certifications under action
    • green tick = request fully signed
      Screenshot of TA certifications request fully signed
  6. Once the TA has signed the certification and the document has been issued, the TA certification will become available in the Supporting Documents for that dataset.
  7. If the dataset has been approved, the dataset will no longer be displayed or available in the My Work page. You will need to search the dataset using Legacy e-Survey search or Web search to view the supporting documents.

See also TA e-certification.

Last updated