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Replacing a TA e-certification signed package

This article contains information about replacing a TA e-certification signed package.

For Territorial Authorities (TA)

You can create a new TA e-certification package after a survey is submitted:

  1. TA can un-sign a package at the request from the surveyor.  When the package is un-signed it becomes a historic document and a new package is created with all the certificates that were in that un-signed package.  The TA need to prepare each certificate to ensure the dates are updated prior to re-signing the new package.

    For example, the TA can see Package 1 and Package 2.  Package 1 is un-signed.  It is deleted (made historic) from the TA space, and a new package is created.  It will be re-named Package 3 (or the next numerical number in the list) and contain all the certificates that were originally in Package 1.
  2. When the TA un-sign a package, it will be automatically set to ‘superceded’ and made’ Internal Only’ as a supporting document against the plan it is linked to. This means that it can only be searched by LINZ, will only be used for audit purposes, and will not form part of the public dataset.

For surveyors

You can only create a new TA e-certification package at the pre-allocation stage, i.e. before the survey is submitted or if it’s been requisitioned:

  1. The superseded package remains and a new package is added (as per No. 1 above). The old package will be regarded as historical and cannot be deleted (it will be kept as a record).
  2. No. 2 above also applies. You need to re-notify the TA if new packages are created.

Attaching manual certifications

TAs can attach manual TA certifications to an approved plan without having to send the TIFF file to LINZ or the solicitor to add the document to the e-dealing.

Attach manual TA certifications to an approved plan.