You are viewing guidance that refers to, or is for Legacy Landonline.

Capturing Disturbed Marks

Use this process to record details of a disturbed mark that has previously been recorded in Landonline as undisturbed.

This mark physically exists but is not in its original position as defined by previous surveys. The mark is not disturbed if its change in position is due to fault zone movement (r108) or due to Canterbury earthquake movement (r108).

How do I capture a disturbed non boundary mark?

This mark must be treated as a new mark in your survey

Follow these steps:

  1. Enter the fields in Mark Details:
  • Mark Name: IT 4 DP 4***** 
  • Mark State: New
  • Mark Purpose: Non-boundary/PRM
  • Mark Description: IT III SO 12345 disturbed. This mark description will be added automatically to the diagrams when you generate your plans.


    Only use the Disturbed functionality (steps 2-6 if the original mark exists in Landonline and has mark details recorded (e.g. IT I DP 12345). If these two criteria do not apply, capture the mark the conventional way using ‘Original’ functionality.

  1. Select Disturbed in the Mark Reliability Details area of the screen
  2. Enter the date the mark was found disturbed, if the default date is incorrect.
  3. Select New Search to search Landonline for the original mark.
  4. Alternatively, select the existing mark in the Landonline Spatial window and note the node id. Enter the node id into the Search screen.
  5. Enter the mark name of the new mark in the Annotation field.

Ensure that you have a second vector to the disturbed position.

Original adopted position of the mark

You can choose whether or not to capture this position.

Follow these steps to capture:

  1. Enter the fields in Mark Details:
  • Mark Name: IT III SO 12345
  • Mark State: Adopted
  • Mark Purpose: Non-boundary
  1. Link this mark to the existing mark in Landonline using the conventional linking method.

How do I capture a disturbed boundary mark?

This mark must be treated as a new mark in your survey

  1. Enter the fields in Mark Details:
  • Mark Name: Peg * DP 4***** [using the old mark type, unique id, with your new CSD number]
  • Mark State: New
  • Mark Purpose: Non-boundary (because it no longer marks a boundary point)
  • Mark Description: Peg 3 DP 55010 Disturbed. This mark description will be added automatically to the diagrams when you generate your plans.


    Only use the Disturbed functionality (steps 2 - 6 if the original mark exists in Landonline and has mark details recorded (e.g. Peg 3 DP 55010). If these two criteria do not apply, capture the mark the conventional way using ‘Original’ functionality

  1. Select Disturbed in the Mark Reliability Details area of the screen.
  2. Enter the date the mark was found disturbed if the default date is incorrect.
  3. Select New Search... to search Landonline for the original mark.
  4. Alternatively, select the existing mark in the Landonline spatial window and note the node id. Enter the node id into the Search screen.
  5. Enter the mark name of the new mark in the Annotation field

Ensure that you have a second vector to the disturbed position.

Original position of the mark

You may also need to capture the original mark i.e. if it is relevant to your survey. Follow these steps:

  1. Enter the fields in Mark Details:
  • Mark Name: Peg 3 DP 55010
  • Mark State: Adopted
  • Mark Purpose: Boundary 
  1. Link this mark to the existing mark in Landonline using the conventional linking method.