Delete a survey dataset after submission

The delete a survey dataset functionality is used after a submitted dataset is returned to you by Toitū Te Whenua LINZ either because you have requested its return, or Toitū Te Whenua LINZ has returned it for correction.

If a dataset has been submitted (and shows the status of Submitted), and you wish to delete it, you must first request for this dataset to be returned. See the Return a survey dataset topic for information on how to do this.

Once the dataset has been returned to you, the status on the My Work page, under the CSD reference, will change from Submitted to On requisition.

If you delete a survey with an outstanding TA request, you will need to notify the TA of the deletion. 

What to do

  1. On the My Work page, the status of the dataset will show as On requisition.

    Screenshot of return a dataset on requisition status
  2. Select the three-dot menu icon at the end of the dataset row, and then select Delete dataset. A pop-up window will appear.

    Screenshot of return dataset on requisition more actions menu
  3. Select the copy icon to copy the recommended text you need to add to the Comment field in the request. Select the Continue button to create the Return Survey Dataset request. The request will open in a new browser tab.

While the request type you are creating is Return Survey Dataset, the request you are submitting is to have the dataset deleted.

Screenshot of delete dataset on requisition pop up box
  1. The new request will be pre-populated with information from the survey. Select the Comment field and paste in the text you copied from the pop-up box in the previous screen. You can either user Ctrl + V or right click in the Comment field and select Paste from the drop-down menu.

    Screenshot of delete dataset request add in copied comments
  2. Check the details in the request are correct and when you are ready, select the Send button to send the request. If you are not ready to send the request, select the Save as draft button. The draft request will appear in the Requests dashboard, at the top of the table. Use the Discard button to discard the request.

    Screenshot of return dataset request discard draft send

    Once you select the Send button you will momentarily see a pop-up message confirming your request was successfully submitted.

    Screenshot of delete survey dataset request, request created message

    The request will appear at the top of the table, unless you have any draft requests, in which case it will appear under the draft requests. 

  3. Because this survey was submitted and is being processed by Toitū Te Whenua LINZ, your request to have it deleted will show the status of Pending until Toitū Te Whenua LINZ actions your request. This usually happens within 2-3 working days.

    Screenshot of delete a survey request, request created pending status

    You can view the details of the request at any time by selecting the Request ID.

    Screenshot of delete a survey request, select request ID for more info
  4. As part of the process, Toitū Te Whenua LINZ will call the Signing surveyor to confirm you want the dataset deleted. Once confirmed, the dataset will be deleted. 
    • Once the dataset is deleted, Toitū Te Whenua LINZ will send a notification advising that the survey has been deleted. The survey will be removed from your My Work page.

When a survey is deleted, all related data is deleted and cannot be recovered. The dataset number will also be deleted and cannot be used for any future survey.

Last updated