
How to view notices sent to you or your firm from Toitū Te Whenua.

You can receive notices:

  • in a Landonline application, if the notices have a status of Complete
  • by email
  • by mail.

Notice preferences

Contact the System Manager at your firm to set up or change how you'd like to receive your notices.

Notices will appear on your dashboard in Landonline regardless.

Status and types of notices

You will only see notices with the status of Complete.

The types of notices you will see will depend on whether you are a registered Territorial Authority (TA), Survey or Dealings user.

View notice types specific to each application:

1: Navigate to notices.

You can navigate to Notices from the Landing page for Dealings and from the My Work page for TAs and Survey.

Select the 9-dot menu or app switcher on the left of the header. 

9-dot menu.

2: Select Notices.

Select Notices from the drop-down menu.

Notices link.

You can also use the up arrow icon to open Notices in a new tab.

Up arrow.

The Notices dashboard will display.


Features of Notices dashboard

On the Notices dashboard you can view, download and print out notices relevant to your account.

Example of dashboard with features marked.

a. My notices. This tab displays all notices sent to you. Use the scroll bar to find all notices.

b. Firm notices. This tab displays all notices sent to your firm.

c. Searchfield. Add key words into the searchfield to quickly find a notice. 

d. Date filter. Type in a date or use the calendar to filter your search by date.

e. Search button. Select Search once you've added key words or a date into the searchfields.

f. Notice type. Lists the notice type.

g. Subject. Subject line explaining the reason for the notice.

h. Transaction number. All notices are given a transaction number. The icon used next to the number shows if a notice relates to a Dealing or a Survey. Mention this number when communicating with us about a notice.

i. Sent on. The date the notice was sent.

View a notice

To view a notice select the Subject line link for the notice.

Subject line link.

The notice PDF will appear.

Notice example.

Print a notice

You can print notices from your browser.  

Print notices

Last updated