Summer services update
Information Summer services update

Our offices and services will have reduced availability over the holiday period.  Read more about our holiday hours and services availability.

Key differences with Legacy Landonline

You will find differences in the look and feel, navigation and functionality of New Landonline, and additional functionality, features and improvements will continue to be added.

The New Landonline and Legacy Landonline systems are fully compatible, meaning you can access the same work item in either system.  

The following information summarises the key differences between the two systems.

Getting started

Logging in

  • Legacy Landonline displays your Workspace with an expandable work tree.
  • New Landonline displays My Work page, with options to find TA certification requests created in either New or Legacy Landonline.

Firms you are associated with

  • Legacy Landonline, at log in, requires you to select the firm you are associated with from a dropdown list of these firms.
  • New Landonline defaults to the last firm you were logged in under. If you are associated with multiple firms, you can change the firm you are associated with from the Menu on the My Work page.  

Saving your work

  • Legacy Landonline requires you to 'click the tick' to save your work as you go.
  • New Landonline autosaves your work. This may make it feel like new Landonline is slower than Legacy.

Keyboard navigation

  • In Legacy Landonline you use enter to move along a row.
  • In New Landonline you use the tab or arrow keys. Note: You can also navigate through fields using just your keyboard in New Landonline.

Certify and Signing

  • Changed the language when completing a Package, from ‘certify/certified’ to ‘mark as complete/completed’
  • Password and passphrase order is reversed when certifying and signing certificates.
  • Only those with signing privileges/delegated authority can Unsign.
  • There is no preview certificate that pops up at time of signing.  The signed certificate will appear under Supporting Documents after 1-2 minutes.
Last updated