Tips and tricks for dealings

Simple tips for using New Landonline - Dealings.

Open multiple apps at the same time

Use the app switcher to open multiple Landonline applications at once.

Select the 9-dot menu at the top left corner of the application you have open. The Switch apps box will appear.

You can:

  • Select the application name to open it in the same tab.
  • Select the circle icon with the arrow to open the application in a new tab.
Example of menu to switch apps

Select hyperlinks to open instrument for editing

Selecting an instrument hyperlink anywhere in your dealing will open its Prepare page.

Select anywhere else on the row to open the relevant slide out panel, such as for the Dealing details, Notice of Change of Ownership or Tax Statement to remain on the page you're on.

Example of where to click to go to the Prepare page or slide out panel.

Print the Dealing details panel

You can print the Dealing details panel using your browser's print function.

Select the 3-dot menu at the top right of your browser window. A dropdown menu will appear. Select Print.

The menu will look different depending on the browser you're using.

Example of browser menu using Edge.

Or, press CTRL than P on your keyboard. A Print window will appear.

Select the name of your printer from the Printer dropdown menu, then select Print.

Example of printing screen using browser.

Populate your default roles

Select the people icon next to each role to quickly populate your default primary contact and conveyancing professional roles.

Go to Legacy Landonline to update or set your default role preferences.

Example of people icons.

Exit and unlock a dealing in New Landonline

Select the blue back arrow icon next to the dealing number to exit a dealing.

Example of the arrow to go back and unlock a dealing.

The dealing will now be available for others to edit in New and Legacy Landonline.

When you log out of applications via the main menu, you'll automatically exit and unlock and dealing you're currently working on.

Another user has the dealing open

If a user closes their browser window without existing the dealing correctly the dealing will automatically lock. If left inactive for more than 20 minutes the dealing will automatically unlock.

Otherwise you can ask the user to unlock.

Tab between the fields on the Instruments & Roles page

You can use your tab key to move to the next field or button in the Instrument section, once you've selected your instrument from the Add instrument dropdown menu.

You can also use the tab key to quickly move to the next field or button in the Roles section.

To make a selection from the dropdown menu press Enter on your keyboard before tabbing to the next field.

Don't update your saved password to your Password Manager when certifying and signing

Do not save your password to your browser or Password Manager when certifying and signing. This may override your saved password with your passphrase. The next time you try to log into Landonline your Password Manager will pick up your passphrase, not your password.

You'll then need to reset your password.

Reset your Landonline password


Screenshot of Update password message box, with the button on the right 'No thanks' highlighted

If you receive a browser message saying ‘Changes you made may not be saved’

Select Cancel, rather than OK, and save the dealing before progressing to your next task.

Example of where to select OK or cancel when moving away from a change.

View PDFs within your web browser

When you open an Instrument preview some browsers are set to automatically download the PDF, rather than allowing you to just view them. You can change these browser settings.

Change you browser settings in Chrome

  1. Click on the 3-dot menu, a the top right of your browser window, to open it.
  2. Select Settings from the dropdown menu.
  3. Select Privacy and security from the lefthand menu.
  4. Select Site settings.
  5. Select Additional content settings. This expands the list of settings.
  6. Select PDF documents.
  7. Click on the button next to Open PDFs in Chrome.
Example of where to select PDFs open to view only in Chrome.

Once adjusted, refresh the browser and try to open the PDF in your browser again.

Change your browser settings in Edge

  1. Click on the 3-dot menu, a the top right of your browser window, to open it.
  2. Select Settings from the dropdown menu.
  3. Select Cookies and site permissions from the lefthand menu.
  4. Scroll until you find PDF documents. Select PDF documents top open it.
  5. Toggle off on Always download PDF files.
  6. Toggle on for PDF view settings.
Example of where to toggle on the PDF view function in Edge.

Once adjusted, refresh the browser and try to open the PDF in your browser again.

Short Form Tax Statement condenses information

The Short Form Tax Statement is a read-only version with a condensed layout showing only relevant questions and answers.

This form is useful for repeat customers who are unlikely to benefit from the tips and guidance provided in the full Tax Statement.

Example of where to choose the short tax statement.