Eos Positioning Systems

Eos Positioning Systems receivers can be configured with the Eos Utility software.

Arrow Series


  • Arrow Lite
  • Arrow 100/100+
  • Arrow 200
  • Arrow Gold/Gold+


  1. Connect the receiver to a Windows computer via USB cable.
  2. In Eos Utility connect to the receiver: Port → COMX → Connect.
  3. Select Advanced.
  4. In the RX Config tab, set the following:
    Diff Source: SBAS
    SBAS Ranging Mode: NO

    In the right panel under Diff Includes, ensure SBAS is enabled.

  5. In the SBAS tab, set the following:
    Mode: Manual
    PRN(1): 122
    PRN(2): 122
    PRN(3): 122
  6. Save settings to receiver memory (if you want settings to persist after reboot): File → Save Settings.