There are 28 meridional circuits (9 in the North Island and 19 in the South Island) which make up the set of survey regions used in New Zealand. The term "meridional" refers to the fact that these circuits are run in a north-south direction, aligned with “meridians” of longitude.
A map showing the locations of each of the 28 meridional circuits is provided below. These boundaries are also available through the LINZ Data Service:
NZ Meridional Circuit Boundaries (NZGD2000)

Map of New Zealand, with the boundaries of the meridional circuits shown in orange. There are 28 meridional circuits in total - 9 in the North Island and 19 in the South Island.
Each meridional circuit is its own projection. A projection is used to convert points on a 3-dimensional curved surface of the Earth onto a 2-dimensional flat surface. Unlike geodetic datums, which are used to maintain coordinate accuracy, projections deliberately distort the data so that these can be shown on paper or screens.
The original meridional circuits were established in 1877 to support the implementation of cadastral surveying in New Zealand. The horizontal coordinates in the original meridional circuits used a “plane” coordinate systems with no formal mathematical projection to account for the curvature of the Earth. In 1949 these circuits were upgraded to transverse Mercator projections, a cylinder-shaped projection that is suited for depicting areas, like New Zealand, which extend in a north-south direction. These were referred to as “Circuit 1949” to distinguish them from both the original circuits.
The current meridional circuits are also transverse Mercator projections, but they are now based on New Zealand Geodetic Datum 2000 (NZGD2000) and the origin of each circuit no longer relates to a physical mark. These latest circuits are referred to as “Circuit 2000”.
New Zealand Geodetic Datum 2000 (NZGD2000)
While New Zealand Transverse Mercator 2000 (NZTM2000) is used for official topographic mapping purposes in mainland New Zealand, cadastral surveys are conducted in terms of the local meridional circuit. Learn more about Cadastral Survey Rules implementation, or access the Cadastral Survey Rules 2021 on the New Zealand legislation website:
The meridional circuits are defined in the LINZ standard LINZS25002:
Standard for New Zealand Geodetic Datum 2000 Projections
Name | See table below |
Abbreviation | See table below |
Projection type | Transverse Mercator |
Reference ellipsoid | GRS80 |
Datum | NZGD2000 |
Origin latitude | See table below |
Origin longitude / central meridan | See table below |
False Northing | 800,000 metres North |
False Easting | 400,000 metres East |
Central meridian scale factor | See table below |
Circuit name | Abbreviation | EPSG number | Origin latitude | Origin longitude | Central meridian scale factor |
Mount Eden 2000 | EDENTM2000 | 2105 | 36° 52' 47" S | 174° 45' 51" E | 0.9999 |
Bay of Plenty 2000 | PLENTM2000 | 2106 | 37° 45' 40" S | 176° 27' 58" E | 1.00000 |
Poverty Bay 2000 | POVETM2000 | 2107 | 38° 37' 28" S | 177° 53' 08" E | 1.00000 |
Hawkes Bay 2000 | HAWKTM2000 | 2108 | 39° 39' 03" S | 176° 40' 25" E | 1.00000 |
Taranaki 2000 | TARATM2000 | 2109 | 39° 08' 08" S | 174° 13' 40" E | 1.00000 |
Tuhirangi 2000 | TUHITM2000 | 2110 | 39° 30' 44" S | 175° 38' 24" E | 1.00000 |
Wanganui 2000 | WANGTM2000 | 2111 | 40° 14' 31" S | 175° 29' 17" E | 1.00000 |
Wairarapa 2000 | WAIRTM2000 | 2112 | 40° 55' 31" S | 175° 38' 50" E | 1.00000 |
Wellington 2000 | WELLTM2000 | 2113 | 41° 18' 04" S | 174° 46' 35" E | 1.00000 |
Collingwood 2000 | COLLTM2000 | 2114 | 40° 42' 53" S | 172° 40' 19" E | 1.00000 |
Nelson 2000 | NELSTM2000 | 2115 | 41° 16' 28" S | 173° 17' 57" E | 1.00000 |
Karamea 2000 | KARATM2000 | 2116 | 41° 17' 23" S | 172° 06' 32" E | 1.00000 |
Buller 2000 | BULLTM2000 | 2117 | 41° 48' 38" S | 171° 34' 52" E | 1.00000 |
Grey 2000 | GREYTM2000 | 2118 | 42° 20' 01" S | 171° 32' 59" E | 1.00000 |
Amuri 2000 | AMURTM2000 | 2119 | 42° 41' 20" S | 173° 00' 36" E | 1.00000 |
Marlborough 2000 | MARLTM2000 | 2120 | 41° 32' 40" S | 173° 48' 07" E | 1.00000 |
Hokitika 2000 | HOKITM2000 | 2121 | 42° 53' 10" S | 170° 58' 47" E | 1.00000 |
Okarito 2000 | OKARTM2000 | 2122 | 43° 06' 36" S | 170° 15' 39" E | 1.00000 |
Jacksons Bay 2000 | JACKTM2000 | 2123 | 43° 58' 40" S | 168° 36' 22" E | 1.00000 |
Mount Pleasant 2000 | PLEATM2000 | 2124 | 43° 35' 26" S | 172° 43' 37" E | 1.00000 |
Gawler 2000 | GAWLTM2000 | 2125 | 43° 44' 55" S | 171° 21' 38" E | 1.00000 |
Timaru 2000 | TIMATM2000 | 2126 | 44° 24' 07" S | 171° 03' 26" E | 1.00000 |
Lindis Peak 2000 | LINDTM2000 | 2127 | 44° 44' 06" S | 169° 28' 03" E | 1.00000 |
Mount Nicholas 2000 | NICHTM2000 | 2128 | 45° 07' 58" S | 168° 23' 55" E | 1.00000 |
Mount York 2000 | YORKTM2000 | 2129 | 45° 33' 49" S | 167° 44' 19" E | 1.00000 |
Observation Point 2000 | OBSETM2000 | 2130 | 45° 48' 58" S | 170° 37' 42" E | 1.00000 |
North Taieri 2000 | TAIETM2000 | 2131 | 45° 51' 41" S | 170° 16' 57" E | 0.99996 |
Bluff 2000 | BLUFTM2000 | 2132 | 46° 36' 00" S | 168° 20' 34" E | 1.00000 |