6228 results

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  • How to track dealing progress online

    There are often occasions when we need to know what stage our dealing has reached in the registration process.
    • Landonline
  • Restrictions to the number of titles entered in a dealing

    Landonline limits the number of titles and instruments that can be entered for each dealing.
    • Landonline
    • Land registration
  • Prepare a transmission: Survivorship

    How to prepare a transmission to a survivor.
    • Landonline
    • Land registration
  • LandXML FAQs

    What is the maximum LandXML extract file size? The original constraint of 2mb for a LandXML file was set almost a decade ago when email limits, system performance and internet speeds were significantly lower than they
    • Survey
    • Landonline
  • WFS spatial filtering

    Web Feature Services (WFS) advanced operations let you filter a query based on geometry. This is useful when you are interested in a specific location.
    • Data
  • Axis ordering

    If your geospatial data appears flipped or rotated you may be experiencing axis ordering issues.
    • Data
  • Using LDS WMTS in ArcGIS Pro Desktop

    A step-by-step guide for connecting to LINZ Data Service Web Map Tile Services in ArcGIS Pro Desktop.
    • Data
  • Using LDS WFS in ArcGIS Pro Desktop

    A step-by-step guide for connecting to LINZ Data Service web feature services in ArcGIS Pro Desktop.
    • Data
  • Changeset API

    The LINZ Data Service Changeset API allows you to keep your copy of LINZ data up to date by providing access to only the data that has changed between revisions.
    • Data
  • Moriori Claims Settlement Act 2021 Registration Guideline 2022 – LINZ OP G 01283

    This guideline has been issued by the Registrar-General of Land to ensure that applications received by Toitū Te Whenua under the Moriori Claims Settlement Act 2021 are dealt with correctly.
    • Land registration
    • Māori and iwi
  • Guidelines for Addressing In-fill Developments 2019 - LINZ OP G 01245

    The main purpose of these guidelines is to provide guidance to territorial authorities on allocating addresses for in-fill developments. They should be used along with the Australian/New Zealand Standard for Rural and Urban Addressing AS/NZS4819 and the…
    • Property addressing
  • New Plymouth District Council (Waitara Lands) Act 2018 registration guideline - LINZ OP G 01243

    This guideline has been issued by the Registrar-General of Land to ensure that applications received by Toitū Te Whenua under the New Plymouth District Council (Waitara Lands) Act 2018 are dealt with correctly.
    • Land registration
  • Ngāti Tūwharetoa Claims Settlement Act 2018 registration guideline - LINZ OP G 01242

    This guideline has been issued by the Registrar-General of Land to ensure that applications received by Toitū Te Whenua under the Ngāti Tūwharetoa Claims Settlement Act 2018 are dealt with correctly.
    • Land registration
    • Māori and iwi
  • Approved Electronic Forms for the Land Transfer Act 2017 - LINZLF01232

    Electronic instruments to be lodged for registration or noting under the Land Transfer Act 2017 using Landonline must include the information prescribed for that instrument by the Land Transfer Regulations 2018.
    • Land registration
  • Removal of Easements Guideline 2018 – LINZG20774

    This guideline provides guidance on the application and registration procedures for the removal of merged, extinguished or redundant easements.
    • Land registration
  • Availability of Online Digital Services under the Land Transfer Act 2017 Directive 2018 – LINZD20019

    This Directive specifies when online digital services under the Land Transfer Act 2017 may be made available.
    • Land registration
  • Requisition Periods Directive 2018 – LINZD20017

    This Directive specifies for the purpose of subsection 37(2)(b) of the Land Transfer Act 2017, a time period by which a requisitioned instrument must be corrected. It contains different time periods for caveats and other instruments.
    • Land registration
  • Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki Claims Settlement Act 2018 registration guideline - LINZG20761

    This guideline has been issued by the Registrar-General of Land to ensure that applications received by Toitū Te Whenua under the Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki Claims Settlement Act 2018 are dealt with correctly.
    • Land registration
    • Māori and iwi
  • Ngāti Pūkenga Claims Settlement Act 2017 Registration Guideline - LINZG 20767

    This guideline sets out the details around settling claims relating to Ngāti Pūkenga.
    • Land registration
    • Māori and iwi
  • Te Awa Tupua (Whanganui River Claims Settlement) Act 2017 registration guideline - LINZG20766

    This guideline has been issued by the Registrar-General of Land to ensure that applications received by Toitū Te Whenua under the Te Awa Tupua (Whanganui River Claims Settlement) Act 2017 are dealt with correctly.
    • Land registration
    • Māori and iwi
  • Taranaki Iwi Claims Settlement Act 2016 registration guideline - LINZG 20763

    This guideline has been issued by the Registrar-General of Land to ensure that applications received by Toitū Te Whenua under the Taranaki Iwi Claims Settlement Act 2016 are dealt with correctly.
    • Land registration
    • Māori and iwi
  • Ngāti Kuri Claims Settlement Act 2015 registration guideline - LINZG20752

    This guideline ensures that applications received by LINZ under the Ngāti Kuri Claims Settlement Act 2015 are dealt with correctly. It has been issued by the Registrar-General of Land.
    • Land registration
    • Māori and iwi
  • Ngāti Apa ki te Rā Tō, Ngāti Kuia, and Rangitāne o Wairau Claims Settlement Act 2014 registration guideline - LINZG20749

    This guideline ensures that applications received by LINZ under the Ngāti Apa ki te Rā Tō, Ngāti Kuia, and Rangitāne o Wairau Claims Settlement Act 2014 are dealt with correctly. It has been issued by the Registrar-General of Land.
    • Land registration
    • Māori and iwi
  • Te Urewera Act 2014 registration guideline - LINZG20751

    This guideline ensures that applications received by LINZ under the Te Urewera Act 2014 are dealt with correctly. It has been issued by the Registrar-General of Land.
    • Land registration
    • Māori and iwi
  • Standard for Landonline signing user categories - LINZS20001

    This standard sets out the Registrar-General of Land’s requirements for allocating and removing signing user categories in Landonline and retaining evidence of this process.
    • Landonline
  • Standard for lodgement of cadastral survey datasets - LINZS70000

    This standard sets the minimum capture requirements for the lodgement of cadastral survey datasets using Landonline to assist with efficient and consistent processing and integration into the cadastre.
    • Survey
  • Rules for Cadastral Survey 2010

    The Cadastral Survey Rules are issued by the Surveyor-General under section 49 of the Cadastral Survey Act 2002. The Rules for Cadastral Survey 2010 have been replaced by the Cadastral Survey Rules 2021.
    • Survey
  • Maraeroa A and B Blocks Claims Settlement Act 2012 registration guideline - LINZG20724

    This guideline ensures that applications received by Toitū Te Whenua under the Maraeroa A and B Blocks Claims Settlement Act 2012 are dealt with correctly. It has been issued by the Registrar-General of Land.
    • Land registration
    • Māori and iwi
  • Waikato-Tainui Raupatu Claims (Waikato River) Settlement Act 2010 registration guideline - LINZG20722

    This guideline ensures that applications received by Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand for registration under the Waikato-Tainui Raupatu Claims (Waikato River) Settlement Act 2010 are dealt with correctly. It was issued by the Registrar-General…
    • Land registration
  • Standard for Ross Sea Region Geodetic Datum 2000 Projections - LINZS25008

    The standard defines several map projections in terms of the Ross Sea Region Geodetic Datum 2000. These projections are used by Land Information New Zealand for topographic mapping in the Ross Sea Region of Antarctica. They can also be used by other…
    • Geodetic
  • Background to LINZS25008 Standard for Ross Sea Region Geodetic Datum 2000 Projections

    This document describes the background to the Ross Sea Region Projections standard and also describes other projections that are used in Antarctica.
    • Geodetic
  • Standard for New Zealand Geodetic Datum 2000 - LINZS25000

    A national geodetic system and its associated national survey control system are fundamental components of a nation’s infrastructure.
    • Geodetic