6228 results

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  • Landwrap - October 2021

    In this edition: change in date for new survey and title fees, New Plymouth legal seminar now national livestream webinar, new business rule for mortgages in Landonline, changes to business rules for caveats in Landonline, update to 'Caveats and Other…
    • Land registration
    • Landonline
    • Survey
  • Dog NeuroPark a workout for the mind

    Mental Health Awareness Week is a chance to reflect on all aspects of mental health, including that of dogs, says the co-owner of Aotearoa’s only rover rehabilitation park.
    • Crown property
  • Old Masterton hospital demolition underway

    The demolition of the old Masterton hospital is underway, with six buildings already pulled down.
    • Crown property
  • New Zealand first Government to sign global seabed mapping project

    Today New Zealand signed up to a global seabed mapping project, to map the world’s entire ocean floor by 2030. So far, 20 per cent of the world’s ocean floor has been mapped to modern standards.
    • Marine information
  • Pānui - June 2021

    We reached another significant milestone in June with the introduction of the National Security and Public Order (NSPO) notification regime. Further changes from the Overseas Investment Act 2021 come into force on 5 July.
    • Overseas investment
  • Crown buys final Canterbury Multi-Use Arena property

    The Crown has reached agreement with the owners to buy 212–214 Madras Street, the final property needed for the Canterbury Multi-Use Arena (CMUA) anchor project.
    • Crown property
  • Overseas investor to pay penalties of $1.246 million for buying Northland properties without consent

    Businessman Seung Heun Lee has been ordered to pay $1,246,625 in penalties and $30,000 in legal costs for buying several Northland properties without applying for overseas investment consent.
    • Overseas investment
  • Place naming proposals and recent decisions

    The New Zealand Geographic Board Ngā Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa made 1,454 official decisions at its April hui on place names in the Tasman and Marlborough regions, as well as for undersea feature names around New Zealand.
    • Māori and iwi
    • Place naming
  • Landwrap May 2021

    In this edition: Cadastral Survey Rules 2021 published, legal webinar on 1 June, no payment by cheque after 31 May 2021, update on review of survey and title fees, linz.govt.nz satisfaction survey, leading with Toitū Te Whenua.
    • Land registration
    • Landonline
    • Survey
  • Leading with Toitū Te Whenua

    From 12 May 2021, Land Information New Zealand now leads with its te reo Māori name, Toitū Te Whenua, followed by Land Information New Zealand.
    • Corporate
  • Landwrap April 2021

    In this edition: Cadastral Survey Rules 2021 webinars, transmission of trust property when a surviving trustee is incapacitated, ensuring your Landonline account has a system manager, new tax law comes into effect, Landonline password minimum length…
    • Land registration
    • Landonline
    • Survey
  • West Drury Holding Limited to pay $125,000 for breaking overseas investment rules

    A decision by the High Court in Auckland has found West Drury Holding Limited (WDHL) breached the Overseas Investment Act rules when purchasing sensitive land in Drury in June 2017.
    • Overseas investment
  • LINZ awards Geographic Information Science (GIS) Tertiary Scholarships

    Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) is pleased to announce recipients of this year’s Geographic Information Science (GIS) Tertiary Scholarships.
    • Corporate
  • Landwrap March 2021

    In this edition: Landonline offline on 20 March, proposed new fees for survey and title services, August launch planned for Cadastral Survey Rules 2021, legal seminars for 2021.
    • Land registration
    • Landonline
    • Survey
  • Pānui - February 2021

    Welcome to another full issue of Pānui. News may have already reached you that the overseas investment fee structure has been reviewed and consultation is open on the proposed changes. In this edition of Pānui:
    • Overseas investment
  • Pānui - January 2021

    In this edition: new investor test, national interest assessment information update, overseas investment third party funding consultation, allowing time for the consent process, new Sensitive Land Certificate, share your feedback on the OIO website,…
    • Overseas investment
  • Lodgement Standard

    Guidance on the standard for lodgement of cadastral survey datasets - LINZS70000 (Lodgement Standard) and the Cadastral Survey Rules 2021.
    • Survey
    • Cadastral survey guidelines
  • Capturing of height-limited parcels

    This article explains the Landonline capture requirements for primary and non-primary parcels that are height-limited.
    • Survey
    • Cadastral survey guidelines
  • Limited title surveys

    This guidance focuses on the survey process to remove limitations as to parcels from a limited record of title. Further guidance on limited titles and CSR 2021 requirements will be developed and added at a future date.
    • Survey
    • Cadastral survey guidelines
  • Application CSDs

    Guidance on meeting the requirements of the Cadastral Survey Rules 2021, Land Transfer Act 2017 and Landonline capture for cadastral survey datasets (CSDs) supporting Applications.
    • Survey
    • Cadastral survey guidelines
  • Diagrams on transfer

    Guidance on meeting the requirements of the Cadastral Survey Rules 2021 (CSR 2021) and Landonline capture when dealing with boundaries created by diagram on transfer.
    • Survey
    • Cadastral survey guidelines
  • Quality of boundary definition

    Guidance on the duty of a surveyor when defining a boundary by survey and determining when a boundary or boundary point must be defined by survey or may be adopted or accepted.
    • Survey
    • Cadastral survey guidelines
  • Racing Industry Act 2020

    Information about instruments created for applications under the Racing Industry Act 2020 and the requirements for dealing with titles that are affected by the Act.
    • Land registration
  • Creating easements in leases

    Under the Land Transfer Act 1952, easements which were ancillary to a lease could be granted or reserved in a lease instrument. The Land Transfer Act 2017 specifies the type of instrument which must be used to register an easement so lease instruments can…
    • Land registration
  • Easements for telecommunications and computer media

    The Land Transfer Act 2017 and Land Transfer Regulations 2018 introduced changes to the classes of easements to which implied rights and powers apply.
    • Land registration
  • Workaround for Notices that are printing with blank fields

    If your notices are printing out with blank fields where there should be details displayed open Word and select the ‘File’ tab.
    • Landonline
  • Setting up Landonline in a Citrix or Terminal Service environment

    What you (and your IT support person) need to know about installing Landonline in a Citrix or Terminal Services environment.
    • Landonline
  • E-dealing compliance trends – the good, the bad and the avoidable

    Information about recent compliance trends and some tips on how to get it right first time and avoid unnecessary rework.
    • Land registration
  • GotoAssist Support portal

    LINZ GotoAssist Support allows our Customer Support technical representatives to remotely view your computer screen.
    • Landonline
  • Scanning terminology

    Details of the file format specifications required for Landonline images can be found in Landonline scanning requirements:
    • Landonline
  • Scanning documents into Landonline

    How to scan documents and add them to your dealing in Landonline.
    • Landonline
  • Entering property tax information into Landonline

    How to enter tax information for dealings in Landonline.
    • Landonline