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Marine information
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Research report

This report provides strategic findings and recommendations from the marine data innovation technical Proof-Of-Concept (POC) project funded through the Department of Internal Affairs (DIA) Digital Government Partnership fund. The project was a collaboration between Toitū Te Whenua LINZ (LINZ), Te Arawhiti, Te Papa Atawhai | Department of Conservation (DOC) and the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI).

Summary of findings:

  1. An integrated marine geospatial system should be progressed as an essential national data asset.
  2. Technology and shared information can enable integrated marine management.
  3. A lead agency is required, however an integrated marine geospatial system should be developed and governed collaboratively.
  4. The findings from this POC research should be used to inform a business case and any future technical requirements.
  5. A marine spatial system could be expanded to support other domains in the future.
  6. Te ao Māori perspective on Aotearoa’s marine data must inform any business case.

View a recording of the demo for the introduction to the Marine Data Innovation Project: