6228 results

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  • New names for Auckland railway stations

    Ngā Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa New Zealand Geographic Board announces seven new names for Auckland railway stations.
    • Place naming
  • Overseas investment decision for case 202200202 - ANZFF3 Limited

    Decision Consent granted Section 12(1)(a) Overseas Investment Act 2005
    OI Information Release
  • Overseas investment decision for case 202200447 - 180D Ness Road Limited

    Decision Consent granted Section 12(1)(a) Overseas Investment Act 2005
    OI Information Release
  • Riverhead Forest, Auckland

    Details of whether the Riverhead Forest, Auckland is currently state owned and leased to - Carter Holt Harvey Forests, which purchased the cutting rights in 1990.
    • Crown property
  • Import georef image

    You can upload an image to the survey. This acts as a georeference, to help you trace an irregular line along a natural feature. For example, this could be a row of vegetation or a stream.
    • Landonline
    • Survey
  • Milestone event for trans-Tasman SouthPAN partnership

    Our partnership with Geoscience Australia to develop SouthPAN – a satellite-based positioning system – has marked construction starting on SouthPAN infrastructure with an event in Invercargill.  
    • Geodetic
  • Edit and manage documents

    Manage your supporting documents, including viewing, downloading, replacing or deleting a document when required.
    • Landonline
    • Survey
  • Overseas investment pathways data

    On this page, data can be sorted to show which investment pathway was used to make a decision, along with related information such as the total investment, total land area, and the average time it takes to assess by investment pathway.
    • Overseas investment
  • Overseas investment decision for case 202200050 - Microsoft 6399 New Zealand Limited

    DecisionConsent grantedSection 12(1)(a) Overseas Investment Act 2005 
    OI Information Release
  • Contractors

    In New Landonline contractors associated with a Firm are able to view all surveys (including the captured data).
    • Landonline
    • Survey
  • Working with address data

    Useful information for people working with addresses and the New Zealand profile of ISO-19160-1.2015 standard.
    • Property addressing
  • Payment for Transfer and Easement 366278.1

    Request for information held about payment due under TE 366278.1.
    • Land registration
  • Documents regarding subdivision of title WNF2/1300

    Information and copies of documents relating to the subdivision of WNF2/1300 and issue of title 1095396.
    • Landonline
  • Financial net settlements at the completion of tenure review for Mt Creighton, Morven Hills, Maryburn and Glentanner leases

    Tenure review was a voluntary process that provided an opportunity for lessees to gain freehold title to part of their leasehold land, and for some of the land to be restored to Crown ownership, usually as conservation land.
    • Crown property
  • Overseas investment decision for case 202200546 - Coca-Cola Europacific Partners New Zealand Limited

    Decision Consent approved 
    OI Information Release
  • Overseas investment decision for case 202200575 - First Sunrise Bidco Limited

    DecisionConsent granted
    OI Information Release
  • Getting started with spatial view

    In spatial view there are a range of tools you can use to work on your survey. These are accessed using a combination of bars, panels, icons and left and right mouse clicking.
    • Landonline
    • Survey
  • Video: tour of key features and navigation of a created survey

    Watch this video to explore the key features and navigation of a created survey in New Landonline – Survey.
    • Landonline
    • Survey
  • Demolition of the Hinepare Nurses’ Home and Tuakana Annex begins

    Our demolition of the Hinepare Nurses’ Home in Napier – which begins this week (April 26) – will result in about 90 percent of its material being recycled.
    • Crown property
  • Notice of Decision & Assessment Report 202200575 – First Sunrise Bidco Limited

    The Overseas Investment Assessment Report and Notice of Decision for the acquisition of Eastland Network Limited by First Sunrise Bidco Limited.
    • Overseas investment
  • Response to request for information between Crown and Te Rau Arena Allen

    The requestor was advised that there is no arrangement between Te Rau Arena Allen, but there is one between the Crown and Te Whiu Hapu, who Te Rau Arena Allan has been a representative of.
    • Māori and iwi
  • Download the schedule / memorandum as a PDF

    Once you have finished, select the Download button to download a copy of the schedule/memorandum as a PDF. 
    • Landonline
    • Survey
  • Accredited Supplier’s Reports for the acquisition of three properties in Te Horo/Peka Peka

    The request was for copies of the Accredited Supplier’s Report and Conclusion to Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) for three properties in Te Horo/Peka Peka.
    • Crown property
  • Management agreement between Toitū Te Whenua and the Kapiti Coast District Council relating to the Right of Way for Lot 22 DP 33688

    The request was for any agreement or contract that LINZ has with Kapiti Coast District Council, Department of Conservation and the Kapiti Mountain Bike Club relating to the Right of Way for Lot 22 DP 33688.
    • Crown property
  • Place name proposal - Te Awa o Mokotūāraro

    The proposal is to alter the official place name Clive River to Te Awa o Mokotūāraro for the river that flows from Pakowhai Road Bridge northeast of Hastings to join the mouth of Ngaruroro River, which flows into Hawke Bay.
    Consultation › place name
    • Place naming
  • Prepare survey report

    The survey report’s format is designed to help surveyors enter the correct information for the survey.
    • Landonline
    • Survey
  • Edit, add or remove a package

    You can edit, add and remove a package as required.
    • Landonline
    • Survey
  • Lodgement Standard

    Guidance on the standard for lodgement of cadastral survey datasets - LINZS70000 (Lodgement Standard) and the Cadastral Survey Rules 2021.
    • Survey
    • Cadastral survey guidelines
  • Capturing of height-limited parcels

    This article explains the Landonline capture requirements for primary and non-primary parcels that are height-limited.
    • Survey
    • Cadastral survey guidelines
  • Limited title surveys

    This guidance focuses on the survey process to remove limitations as to parcels from a limited record of title. Further guidance on limited titles and CSR 2021 requirements will be developed and added at a future date.
    • Survey
    • Cadastral survey guidelines
  • Application CSDs

    Guidance on meeting the requirements of the Cadastral Survey Rules 2021, Land Transfer Act 2017 and Landonline capture for cadastral survey datasets (CSDs) supporting Applications.
    • Survey
    • Cadastral survey guidelines
  • Diagrams on transfer

    Guidance on meeting the requirements of the Cadastral Survey Rules 2021 (CSR 2021) and Landonline capture when dealing with boundaries created by diagram on transfer.
    • Survey
    • Cadastral survey guidelines