Attention Dealings users
Landonline icon Attention Dealings users

As of 24 September Certify & Sign, Release and Submit (CSRS) functionality is switched off in Legacy Landonline

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Activate Notice to Mortgagee

Set up Notice to Mortgagees to be sent to lenders when a dealing is registered in New Landonline.

When a dealing is registered, copies of registered mortgages and updated Record of Titles are automatically sent to subscribed lenders. For example, banks. 

This Notice to Mortgagee function in New Landonline replaces the need for the acting solicitor to forward post-registration searches to the lender.

To set this up you'll need to enter the Bank client reference in your dealing.

Steps to set up a Notice to Mortgagee

You'll see the Notice to Mortgagee field on your Submit Dealing page.

Enter the Bank client reference

Enter the Bank client reference in the Notice to Mortgagee field.  You have a maximum of 100 characters. 

The letter of instruction from the lender will tell you what you need to enter.

Example of where to enter bank client reference for a NTM.

When the dealing is registered, the lender will be emailed the Notice to Mortgagee.


Last updated