Attention Dealings users
Landonline icon Attention Dealings users

As of 24 September Certify & Sign, Release and Submit (CSRS) functionality is switched off in Legacy Landonline

Learn more

Before you submit

Pre-validations, who can submit and available hours for submitting dealings in New Landonline.

Available hours to submit a dealing

You can only submit a dealing between 7am and 7pm, Monday to Friday.

Dealings cannot be submitted on weekends or public holidays.

A warning banner will show if you are on the Submit page and there is 10 minutes or less left to submit your dealing before we close.

Who can submit a dealing

Any person from a submitting firm with the appropriate privileges can submit a dealing.

A dealing can only be submitted by the submitting firm once all instruments have been released.

Dealing fees

The Submit page shows a summary of the dealing fees the submitting firm is responsible for.

Dealing fees are separate to the post-registration search fees.

Non-submitting firms can use the Fees page from the dealing navigation bar to view the fees they're responsible for.

View dealing fees 

Validation when you go to the Submit page

Every time you go to the Submit page the Submit business rules run a set of validations. A pre-validation report will highlight any outstanding tasks or business rule failures that must be completed before the dealing can be submitted.

A dealing can only be submitted by the submitting firm once all the instruments have been released

A pre-validation report showing any alerts will appear at the top of the page. Alerts may be:

  • an orange triangle icon, used for a warning
  • a red circle icon used for failures.

If your dealing status is Lodge you can still submit it with failures or warnings because the dealing goes to us to process.

If your dealing status is Auto it will reject the dealing automatically if it has failures or warnings. You'll need to fix any errors, such as certifying and signing remaining instruments before submitting your dealing.


Any changes you make won't be saved if you navigate away from the Submit page.

For example, any post-registration search selects, of entry of the bank client reference need to be completed in the same session.

Last updated